Andrew Ambrosino

Catch - The first personal and portable benefits platform.

Benefits are a headache. Catch is the first personal, portable benefits platform. Whether you're a contractor, employee, or entrepreneur, learn what you need and build a plan that just works.

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Andrew Ambrosino
Benefits are a headache. Catch is the first personal, portable benefits platform. Whether you're a contractor, employee, or entrepreneur, learn what you need and build a plan that just works– with taxes, time off, retirement accounts, health insurance, and life insurance. We’re building an experience that’s approachable to start and lets you learn more over time. We smooth income to work with volatility, not against it. We automatically adapt your plan when a big life event occurs. We’re looking at savings, investment, insurance, and credit as building blocks for better solutions, whether you're navigating a newfound flexibility or staying afloat in newfound volatility. A decade from now, all of this will be attached to you, not an employer. Employer benefits aren’t going away, but they’ll plug into a personal and portable plan. Ask anything that comes to mind. And if you're a freelancer or contractor, you can get early access to tax withholding, time off, and retirement today.
Cathy Terranova
Who furnishes the health insurance plans?
Charley Ma
Congrats on the feature! What inspired you and the team to create Catch?
Andrew Ambrosino
@charleyma Frustration! I had been freelancing for a bit, and even when I was employed before that the switching process between jobs was pretty rough. It felt like there had been so much great product, design, and engineering though put towards social, entertainment, travel, and the things we all want to do, but not what we all have to do.
Eric Anderson
They might of said, we are a savings automation service, but the positioning is really clever: your personal HR department. I like how the funds remain in your charge and changes are only made with confirmation. That addresses the concerns I imagined.
Andrew Ambrosino
@ericmander Glad you like it! We actually in the process started to go a little down the savings rabbit hole before pulling ourselves back out to the broader vision. There are some great savings products out there already but not many breadth-focused solutions like this.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
What's the catch? 😂
Matt Allen
Catch has a lot going for it. It has potential; but this is not a company I would place my trust with my money after recent experiences. I've had over $400 in limbo due to a bank error on their side due to a garnishment on the account I was unaware of, and apparently so was catch. I hope the best for the catch, Its obvious they have good intentions; but I can not recommend