Charlie Deets

Cat Chat - Experience real cat culture. Chat with cats.

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I don't know if it's intended, but that's a perfect pun in french, since "chat" (fr) means "cat" (en) :)
Patrick Rogers
All I get is orange screens. Didn't let me chat :(
Tom Moor
Top Product
@mrpatrickrogers same here... just an orange screen. You can't just promise cats and then take them away :(
Charlie Deets
@tommoor @mrpatrickrogers you guys probably gotta find some cats to talk to. got any cat friends?
Tom Moor
Top Product
@charliedeets @mrpatrickrogers I guess I don't get it :(
Ellen Chisa
I've been joking about building this for a year... serves me right that someone else did first. But excited to use it!
Paul Arterburn
Is there a Slackbot for this sort of thing already? I could see companies turning on #cat-chat all over the globe.
Ryan Hoover
Another addition to your cat collection, @malditojavi. 😻
Charlie Deets
@sarahbuhr What kind of error are you getting?
christian stewart
@sarahbuhr you have to have at least one other Facebook friend with the app downloaded in order to start a cat chat, otherwise big blank orange screen
Charlie Deets
@stewart_cc @sarahbuhr truth. I'll add a NUX in the next version.
Robert van Hoesel
Came across this again today. Me and my friends have been trying everything to get Hssssssss or Prrrr instead of Meow Meow or Mew? Any hints, or are the screenshots faked?
Charlie Deets
@robertvhoesel i'll give you one hint. use an exclamation.
I gonna take a pic of my cat and her a game lol-
So when I made a game of my cat it got funny