Ryan Begley

Cashbot.ai v2 Chatfuel Integration - It's time to cash'n on the conversation

Cashbot.ai v2 Chatfuel Integration is live! Create an agent and plug it into your chatbot in under 90 seconds. Earn your first $10 in 10 minutes! Check out the cashbot.ai template on chatfuel.com + we have templates to give away as well. Just email us at support@cashbot.ai We love you Botmakers!!!

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Ryan Begley
MAKERS!!! We at the cashbot.ai team want to share that we've pushed new and improved Chatfuel integration LIVE🙌You can now create your agent, give it a name and with one click you're provisioned a pre-formatted URL to paste into the Chatfuel JSON plugin. No coding, just copying and pasting. You don't pay, you only get paid. From start to finish it should take you under 90 seconds to start watching the💰roll in. We would be honored if folks would try it out, makers, botmakers, haymakers, everyone. We are trying our best to make monetization easy for the conversational creatives out there so you can get paid for all the hard work you're doing. Any questions leave them right here, we've got our eyes glued to the screen hitting refresh🤑
Daniel Kent
Awesome integration - I just built my first chatfuel Chatbot several weeks ago, I can't wait to try this out. Go Bears!
Ryan Begley
@rrdkent Great to hear Daniel and thanks for the feedback. Be sure to let us know how it goes for you 🤑
Christopher Rampton
What platforms are you compatible with? (ie: iphone, android, samsung, etc)
Ryan Begley
@christopher_rampton Hi Christopher - great question. We're compatible with Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Viber, Slack, SMS and some others. We have pre formatted integrations into into, now Chatfuel, REST & NodeJS and ManyChat. Thanks again!!!
Rédouane Rmdn

Have been working with the v1 for some time, great product, this one is next level


Very easy integration for any chatbot creator, time to make money!


None so far

Ryan Begley
Thank you for your support!
Clarence Chang

Definitely distinguishes itself from the rest of the other chat agents out there.


Easy to use! I love how they're on Eyelevel with the developer, making an intuitive ux.


None so far

Willis Kim

User-friendly interface, super easy integration.


Works well. Developers are responsive.


So far so good.

Ahmud Auleear

The templates are great and really useful.


Super easy to use


None so far