This is awesome! The increase in conversing rate is promising. I was expecting a PH discount given that it's a brand new product. Also $49 per month is a bit steep for someone who just opened shop and doesn't even know how much they will be making. Have you considered offering a startup package? For example, free up to $1000 monthly revenue. You will gain this customer on the long run.
@markpecota@lukethomas14 The app is brand new, so we don't have hard numbers yet. We started the company off with just a cart abandonment product, which lifts revenue on average by 9%.
So with that alone we're confident in a lift in conversions. Add in the one-page vs multi-page, trust symbols vs no trust symbols, putting the checkout on the merchants domain instead of "" and other features and we feel really strongly that this will increase conversions dramatically.
We're looking forward to sharing a lot of the data we see from users, and building in the things that work best into the product.
@bentossell Hey Ben. This is a complete replacement of the Shopify checkout process. Currently, Shopify merchants have almost zero ability to customize or alter their checkout in any way. This does a few key things that aren't available in the default Shopify Responsive Checkout:
1. It takes the current multi-page checkout process and puts it all on a one-page checkout to get a higher conversion rate
2. It puts the checkout page on the merchant's domain - currently all Shopify stores send their visitors to a "" to check out (except Shopify Plus merchants)
3. It makes the page customizable to allow merchants to set up their checkout the way they want - the default Shopify checkout is very limited in customization
4. It has a cart abandonment email solution built in, with the ability to capture the email as soon as it's typed on the page - currently Shopify merchants need a third-party app to do this, and the email isn't captured until the visitor goes from page 1 to page 2 of the checkout
There are other differences, but these are the big ones. The bottom line is we're very confident that Shopify merchants will get a significantly higher conversion rate using our Checkout as opposed to the default.
We build quite a few custom Shopify stores and one of the top complaints is that you don't have your own URL when you checkout and you can't customize the checkout experience. A $1,200 + per month Shopify Plus account is required to do that.
This is a sweet offering that fixes those issues and allows for the one page checkout.
For some reason, even though it would save quite a bit of money, I was disappointed by the pricing. I'm not exactly sure why but it seems kind of high.
The pricing won't stop me from pitching it to my customers although I know it'd be a no brainer if it was less. I expect some price resistance for new, low revenue stores.
@jordangal - are you at all worried that with Shopify making quick UX change and changing their URL checkout policy that you could be without a strong value prop?
@markgustav Hey Mark, thanks for the feedback.
The URL issue is definitely a big one for both vanity and conversion reasons. It was one of the key features we knew had to be in the product from the outset.
Pricing is always tricky and it's impossible to say if we'll have the same pricing a year from now. But we felt the pricing needed to reflect the value of the product, and I think it does. Optimizing the checkout process for a store has a very direct effect on revenue and we're confident merchants will make many times more money than they pay us.
The plan is to show merchants the change in their conversion rate from using the product during the trial period so the decision to join and pay is based on concrete numbers.
As for Shopify making changes, they definitely move fast and have been innovating at an impressive pace. So there's an element of worry on that front, but like a lot of other apps built on larger platforms, there's something to a team very focused on one specific problem that is unlikely to be matched by that larger platform.
Would love to hear the feedback from your clients. Hit me up if you want to talk.
CartHook is certainly awesome. But. There is one pretty BIG problem. You will no longer be able to use your Shopify payments. You will have to sign up with the third party payment processor. This is the reason why we haven't installed CartHook. Our store:
I've been using Carthook for about 2.5 months. Discount codes are a bit tricky and the checkout will not support gift cards. The cart builder interface is buggy (my cart went down over the Christmas holiday due to a still unresolved issue) and they don't notify customers of known issues. I recently inquired about issues with abandoned cart and got a note back saying they have been having issues and are phasing it out. Its $300+ a month for the service. Not worth it.
Easy cart set up, simple funnels interface, abandoned cart reporting and emails.
Most of the 'integrated' functionality doesn't work.
Got A Minute?
I've been using Carthook for about 2.5 months. Discount codes are a bit tricky and the checkout will not support gift cards. The cart builder interface is buggy (my cart went down over the Christmas holiday due to a still unresolved issue) and they don't notify customers of known issues. I recently inquired about issues with abandoned cart and got a note back saying they have been having issues and are phasing it out. Its $300+ a month for the service. Not worth it.
Pros:Easy cart set up, simple funnels interface, abandoned cart reporting and emails.
Cons:Most of the 'integrated' functionality doesn't work.