@iamrahulkapoor Caption is made with Electron and React. I am currently working on making Caption for Windows and Linux. But because design is an important part of the end product, and I want Caption to be native in Windows and Linux as well, this will take a little time.
Hey 🤗,
Today I shipped Caption, a great little app that takes the effort out of finding and setting up the right subtitles. It has a simple, uncomplicated design, a drag & drop search feature, automatic downloading and automatic renaming. And it's completely open-source. You can get Caption for free at getcaption.co.
Hope you like it 🎉
PS: Follow on Dribbble to keep up-to-date: https://dribbble.com/shots/32764...
PPS: Special thanks to my friend @rygu who helped me with some Javascript.
I am not sure I get what the app does. Does it download subtitles from the internet? Or does it just search for subtitles I have on my disk? Also once I found the subtitles I am looking for, what does it do with it? Provide the subtitles file? If so, in what format?
@_mochs Caption finds the right subtitles for a movie, season or episode. When using the drag & drop feature the subtitle files are searched by hash from subtitle sources (e.g. opensubtitles), downloaded automatically and renamed automatically. Launching the video can be done from within Caption by double-clicking the file or by right-clicking the file and selecting play.
Thanks for great job.
I was using SubsMarine and Subtitles app – both worked, but always seemed clunky and little bit weird too me... Plus, Caption is free and *open-source*, so there's no reason not to switch! 👏🏻
What does this drag and drop option do? I dropped some files into it, and it gives me a green tick. Nothing else 🤔 Isn't that supposedd to find me the subtitles?
@tony161293 When using the drag & drop feature the subtitle files are searched by hash, downloaded automatically and renamed automatically. Launching the video can be done from within Caption by double-clicking the file or by right-clicking the file and selecting play.
Great idea, especially the drag and drop feature. One suggestion, add an option to search for 2 languages at the same time. I notice that with the series I tested dutch subtitles are hard to find. Had to do another search for the english ones. Would be nice to be able to set a primary and a secondary language, so that you always get a result you want.
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