A curated shop for Amazon
Shannon Fox

Amazon Prime Day Picks — Discover the best from Prime Day

Shannon Fox
It turns out #HappyPrimeDay is a little daunting. Our team's been up since it went live to find all the best products that are part of the promotion. As Canopy continues to evolve, we're hoping to do more real-time, experimental projects like this. As always, feedback is welcome :)
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@shanndfox alright, this was actually a nice collection. Prime Day is definitely overwhelming!
Shannon Fox
Thanks @chrismessina. We have all hands on deck (shout out to @okaykap @rdbannon and @playgroundscott) keeping it fresh and updated. Glad to hear you are enjoying it!
@makiyan malko...I'll have to agree - the UI is super sleek. Great work Shannon and thanks for sharing.
Markiyan Malko
Loving the UI on your site.
Tori Bunte
I hope the 55 gallon drum of personal lubricant was included.