A.I. messenger bot for the cannabis industry
Tsunami Diamond
CannaBot — A.I. messenger bot for the cannabis industry
Tsunami Diamond
Welcome to the world's first A.I. Messenger Bot Platform for the Cannabis Industry. At CannaBot, we believe every legal patient/customer should have safe, convenient access to medicinal & recreational cannabis without having to leave their home. This is why we provide customizable Bot Solutions for Dispensaries looking to utilize chatbot technology, in order to offer 24/7/365 customer service, patient verifications, and delivery management directly through Messenger, to their patients and customers.
leonidas varnavas
Guys, good luck and all, but do you think it's a good idea to use a copyrighted image for your service? Just saying..
Abirami Thurairajah
whare can I find the cannabis edible products in US?