Japanese candy surprises in your mailbox twice a month
Bemmu Sepponen

Your Word in Candy β€” Candy animation that spells any word you want

One click to generate a 3D animation of candy magically spelling out the word or image of your choice. There's a bonus umbrella scene to try as well.
Dan Dan
Not perfect, but mesmerizing. This got me to look at Candy Japan, which otherwise I would not have ever known about it.
Bemmu Sepponen
This is a small side-project I had been wanting to make for a long time, but couldn't come up with the right approach to make it work until now. The biggest challenge was making it fast enough, I went through doing it in pure Python, to using numpy and now finally it runs on a GPU. I might have to rewrite it yet again, because the current server is very pricey! Hope you like it.
Bemmu Sepponen
@naveenkumar It's not really in a shareable state, and would be pretty painful to run as it currently requires three servers (web front-end, queue server and one or more render servers).
Alex Hammond
@bemmu @bemmu_sepponen - looks like we have the same idea. Have you made any steps forward since you posted this? - https://worddimension.com/live-demo
Alex Hammond
I've just put my efforts up on Producthunt too - https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Ron Akned
Looks nice just wish I could make it work it doesn't make a video it says can't connect to the server. Can anyone tell me why this doesn't work? I get this: ->Lost connection to server, please try again in a bit.
Ron Akned
Looks nice just wish I could make it work it doesn't make a video it says can't connect to the server. Can anyone tell me why this doesn't work? I get this: ->Lost connection to server, please try again in a bit.
Aleksey Danchenko
Really nice ) Easy to use and share great animations! Thank you Your Word in Candy
Love this. Not loving your server bill after a day on Product Hunt.
Bemmu Sepponen
@mickc79 The GPU costs the same (~$200 / month) whether it's being used or not, so I prefer to see it being used.
Steven Jacobs
Love this idea to bring more attention to your service. Congrats on the tool!
Elena Zabalueva
Great job! Special thanks for supporting the Cyrillic alphabet
Ron Akned
How can I get it to work or is the site down now?
Andrew White
This is awesome. Great synergy with CandyJapan & super mesmerizing.
Harry Dry
Haha! love the creativity. Nice one Bemmu!
Gercek Armagan
Perfect πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ
David Barneda
Cool. Nice segway to CandyJapan!
Vjeko Skarica
This is really fun! Good job!
Atul Shukla
It's really fun!! Looks so real.
Lars Brusletto
A lot of fun! Great work😍
interesting...love it
Ron Akned
nice but it doesn't work