
Candlestick - Uncover any address's RoI, PnL, Win Rate, across all tokens.


Uncover any address's profitability metrics: RoI, PnL, Win Rate, etc., across all tokens. What truly matters is the trading performance - PnL, Win Rate, ROI. Those with good trading performance are the real Smart Money you should get signals from.

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Through our Address Profitability scanning, our findings include: - VC = Smart in trading?❌ - Whales with large funds in their wallet = Profitable in trading?❌ Instead, an address with a small fund might have gained a million profit, just he doesn’t want to keep his funds in the wallet to avoid tracking. It does not matter who you are or how much money you have in your wallet. What truly matters is the trading performance - PnL, Win Rate, ROI. Those with good trading performance are the real Smart Money you should get signals from.