Uber for cannabis delivery
Bram Kanstein (@bramk)
Canary — Uber for cannabis delivery
Ryan Hoover
Perfect pairing with The Happy Crate cc @paulgambill
Ryan Hoover
@paulgambill "grow" -- nice word choice :)
Zack Shapiro
The scrolling on their site is absolutely terrible. It's like the tried to scroll jack and screwed it up
Nadia Yun
@zackshapiro I MUST BE HIGH.. How is this any different than regular pot delivery service?
Tyler Howarth
Worst fucking scroll jacking of all time
"Any Special Instructions? Please grab a bag of Cheetos on your way over"
Bram Kanstein (@bramk)
check out the above news article. In essence this is kind of innovation, combining new (legislative) changes with current technology. Although I can imagine weed runners en delivery services have existed previously ;)
Roland Ligtenberg
It's a smart idea - there are plenty of people that have the pain point of not wanting to go to/be seen at dispensaries. With the platform we've built @HouseCall we've been asked multiple times to white-label for this exact purpose...
Vincent Woo
@MrJosiahT I'm interested to know what your cashflow situation is like. A lot of marijuana related businesses down here in CA have trouble even with de-facto legality as banks will refuse to take deposits.
Paul Gambill
Thanks @rrhoover, I actually had a great conversation with @MrJosiahT on the phone just the other day. I'm really excited to see their model grow. :)
Erik Torenberg
LOL @gregisenberg I know @joshrweinstein would be interested in this.
Nadia Yun
@bramk as a @uw alum I'm disappointed we've always had delivery service. Yes it was a friends brother but he was ALWAY on time. @vapexhale is something worth checking out
Steve Biddick
The notion of tracking dealers in real time. I want to deliver that to the narco cops at my Alma Mater. Will be needing a flux capacitor...
Josiah Tullis
Hey everyone, I'm one of the co-founder. Thanks for all the support and kind words, and please feel free to send feedback and suggestions to or on Twitter @trycanary Also, if you really love the idea you should grab a t-shirt at to show your early support. :)
Josiah Tullis
@fulligin We're setting the business up to be purely a delivery service which makes opening a bank account easier. There are definitely some unique obstacles we face working in marijuana, but it's getting easier.
Greg Isenberg
Next up: Yo for smoking weed.
Mak Beltus
It's been a while I hear about Are they still operational ?