Bram Kanstein (@bramk)

CallPage - Convert web-visitors into inbound sales calls in 28 seconds

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Ross Knap
Hey all, my name is Ross and I'm the maker of CallPage (thanks @bramk for hunting!). Few words about us. CallPage is a marketing solution for conversion web visitors into inbound sales calls through immediate callback to real phone numbers. If you install CallPage on your website you will able to connect with you customers in 28 seconds. Would love to hear what you guys think about CallPage, looking forward to your questions and suggestions. There is also a special offer for Product Hunters who sign up before end of April 2016. Cheers!
Ben Tossell
Uh oh - a phone conversation with a person/business 🙈 I wonder how many people just would rather avoid a call all the time
Pavlo Kuznyetsov
@bentossell maybe makers can share some metrics with us to understand what's the % of website visitors open for a call
Ross Knap
@bentossell Thanks for the comment, Actually we targeted business where conversation is very important and customers need to talk before they would buy some services. We generated for our customers during last three months more then 15000 conversation!!!!! Average increasing conversion in calls is 30%!!!! Sometimes it can increase up to 75%. Its mean that if before CallPage web-site generated 5 calls per 100 visitors with our solution the same web-ste will generate at least 7 calls. CallPage right now is used by 400 different companies all over the world!
Ben Tossell
@ross_knap Ive no doubt that people will use it... guess a lot depends on previous interactions people have had with businesses (which unfortunately can be quite negative for some). Also its the whole giving out your phone number thing that I'm wary of. I want my friends and family to have my number and thats pretty much it. Some businesses I'd trust with my number like my doctors or something like that. Bank - haven't really got much choice put to 'trust' them with my number. I'm concerned with the whole increase of apps asking for a mobile number and others that it will just follow the path of what happened with email addresses. I now have one for personal, one for one and one for all the junk. But over time junk still spills into the others. Im worried giving out my number anywhere as the same situation can easily happen. I see on the demo it says 'we will only call one time, no spam' but how will that work when this widget is then used on a multitude of sites which could quite possibly not be as pleasant?
Andriy Tkachiv
@bentossell Great feedback, thanks! Basically it's up to a company and their responsibility to store and secure private data of your customers. We created a tool which give you a possibility. When you submit a simple form on website you also give their private data. And some of those forms which are made on wordpress websites may be really insecure, and the risk to loose your personal data is much more higher. But still I understand your thoughts, thanks for telling this
Jonathan Howard
@bentossell @ross_knap I think there's a correlation between the size/complexity of the deal, and how much you want to talk to someone before giving up your money. For instance, I was very glad to talk to @k2thedani from before deciding on them for our CRM. I had a really nice experience when @BrianCurliss from MailLift phoned and texted me when we experimented with hand-written letters at Emissary (at midnight because he saw I was a founder too, and still reached out immediately - that's some dedication) It all depends on the product, branding, user's mindset, and company's execution :)
Austin Sandmeyer
Wow! This is absolutely amazing! The practical nature of this and integration with CRM is beautiful! I think this in a combination of a text based solution you have a powerful platform! Love the ring-through. I think the call aspect finds a great niche.
Andriy Tkachiv
@as_austin Thanks for great feedback! We really appreciate it! In the nearly future there will be added others integrations: like Slack, etc. Also have thoughts about creating different widget types.
Guy Malachi
Interesting concept. Could you maybe share with us some of the metrics you are seeing on sites that use this? Things like how many people actually use this and initiate a call. Does it improve bounce rate? Good luck!
Ross Knap
@guy thanks for comment. Average conversion on website which installed CallPage in calls is about 3% but it also depends from customizations and which mode of showing widget would pick-up customers in dashboard. 70% of calls are realised during working day and its calls are proceed in 28 seconds. 30% of calls are schedule for later hours (we have function of schedule call which allows you to convert nigh evening traffic and when customer choose exact time it will connect everybody in chosen time. 90% of all calls through the applications are successful. Of course, that our system include exit pop-up option and it as any exit pop-up improve bounce rate hard :)
Guy Malachi
@ross_knap thanks for sharing. Isn't the 30% that don't get an answer immediately (because during off hours) a problem for the site owner? Users may just get disappointed and leave no?
Ross Knap
@guy Users often when they surf in internet are busy (for example they are in work etc.) and they don't able to talk right now. Thats why they schedule a call for convenient hours. For site owner to have such option on web-site is very good. Because without any specific actions (except installing CallPage) conversion rate is growing and web-site convert visitors 24 hours per day, which is not possible to do with click2call and other solutions.
Bram Kanstein (@bramk)
These guys are absolutely killing it! I love the simplicity off this product :) @ross_knap can tell you more!
Vitalii Malets
@bramk great hunt! @ross_knap, @pikusfictus, @sergeybutko1, congrats with featuring! You developed awesome service! I have used it with your current customers! Good luck guys!
Sergey Butko
@vitaliimalets Thank you Vitalii!
Andriy Tkachiv
@vitaliimalets Nice to hear it from you!
Andriy Tkachiv
If you have any tech questions regarding CallPage - feel free to ask me, I could make a quick demo for your!
Jeff Nolan
Do you have an idea for what the call-in percentage against site visitors is vs live chat?
Ross Knap
@jeff_nolan Its really depend from the niche. Hard to tell generally. Live chat is more created for support. Its work good when you need to optimise costs of your business. CallPage is created for sales and its work good when you customer acquisition costs is high and people need to talk with you rather then chat.
Jeff Nolan
@ross_knap thanks. I would disagree about live chat being created for support. In enterprise software live chat is predominately used for marketing and sales, and with good effect. I am looking at some options now, will follow up with you in a couple of weeks as my new website project kicks into high gear.
Ross Knap
@jeff_nolan as I wrote previously its really depends from the niche. Ok, @jeff_nolan feel free to contact us we will happy to speak with you later :)
Guillaume Rostand
Nice one, do you already have a Best practice cases doc to share? Like : which pages are more likely to converts calls in sales etc? Congrats for this product !
Ross Knap
@grostand Thanks for comments and support, we still preparing it. We will let you know when we would launch cases publicly. :)
Guillaume Rostand
@ross_knap thanks ! you know us (mkg guys) are super lazzy around learning curves of products such as yours! :)
Ross Knap
@grostand :) True story
William McGowan
I'm with Ben Tossell on this. It's like those pop-up chat windows on steroids. As a small business marketing guy, this can come off as a hard-sell tactic. Be interesting to see how this progresses....
Andriy Tkachiv
@wrytre Thank you very much for warm feedback! We will update you with the progress, thanks!
Nikola Bojkov
Great option for customers who still prefer calls over email, especially in the Balkans :-) Maybe an integration with Facebook Lead ads would be a interesting feature as well.
Ross Knap
@nikola_bojkov Thanks for suggestion. We will think about it :)
Mike KaraÅ›
What I like in CallPage is a possibility to customize overall look of the pop-up. Have many integrations with Wordpress, Slack, and others. Happy to recommend it at picksaas.
Victor Bustillos
Please integrate this product with SalesFlare CRM.
Dustin Day

This does what it says it does. I would recommend setting up caller ID asap. Makes a big difference in the answer rate. I have seen clients conversions go up after installing. If you like getting calls from your leads, this could be a great option.

Even has some lead scoring to better target your visitors. Nice!


Great functionality, increases conversions on your site, iOS App

