
Cal.et - Add to Calendar Link Generator.

Cal.et is a simple and free "add to calendar" link generator that can be shared on social media, newsletters, websites, emails, and everywhere else with ease. ✨

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Hello, 👋 I'd like to introduce you to Cal.et , a straightforward and user-friendly tool for generating "Add to Calendar" links. This makes sharing your events significantly easier and offers much more. ⬛️ One Short Link You receive a short link that contains your event information and an "Add to Calendar" button. This link is compatible with popular calendar services like Google, Apple, Outlook, Yahoo, and others. ⬛️ Embeddable Code You also receive an embeddable HTML code, allowing you to easily add it to your newsletters, emails, and even your website. It's as simple as copy and paste. ⬛️ QR Code Cal.et generates a QR code along with the short link for your event, enhancing accessibility. ⬛️ Direct Calendar Link If you prefer sending a direct link to a specific calendar provider, such as Google, we have you covered. This tool streamlines the process of sharing and promoting your events across various platforms.
Hasen Suadik
Great tool for easily sharing events and adding them to your calendar.
@hasen_suadik Thanks for the support!
Jose Garrido
Great tool @iyared. Definitely useful and might give it a try in our own SaaS (Clubistry) when users create events so they can be added to their calendars.
@josej30 Thanks, Would love to learn on how you plan to use Cal.et on Clubistry
This is a great project and very helpful. Cal.et
@wong_levene Thanks. Do let us know if you have any feedback or suggestion. 🙏