Trantor Liu

Talent Search by CakeResume - Search from 150k resumes and contact job seekers instantly


Talent Search by CakeResume allows you to search hundreds of thousands of resume on CakeResume and contact job seekers instantly.

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Molly Huang

Can't wait to see this service been adapted by more companies and talents!


Talent Search is something that could dramatically boost the efficiency of hiring by reversing the process.



Trantor Liu
Hello Product Hunters! I’m the founder of CakeResume. CakeResume started with an online multimedia resume builder, and now we have collected hundreds of thousands of resumes on our platform. With that, we just launched our new Talent Search for recruiters/hunters to find talents on our platform. The tool allows you to search and filter resumes by keywords, work experiences, locations, and more. You can search for public resumes and first page results are available for free. (Our users are mainly located in Asia, so you may not find as many resumes written in English.) Our next step is to optimize our search ranking algorithm – CR Ranking. Besides resumes, we have collected over 1M images, links, and thousands of slides and videos, so the next step would be to apply natural language processing, machine learning, image analysis, and other technology to analyze job seekers’ professional skills and personalities, and to optimize our search ranking algorithm. If you are interested in partnering with us or investing us, or simply sharing some ideas, feel free to contact us – Thx :)
Nelson Chu
super easy to use and great for hiring developers
Adu Wu
Looks promising! As a co-founder of a startup, will definitely need more tools like this to help out. Can't really afford a hunter ;(
Sidney Lin
Great product! Very easy to search talent candidate.
Steven Shen
Found and hired an android engineer by using this service. And still using it to find other talents. *Like*
David Tseng
Great news for hiring developers