Kevin William David

FontPairings 2.0 - Discover trendy font combinations to preview & download

FontPairings is a free tool where you can try, find, preview and download hand picked font combinations. Visualize them live on all kinds of templates, graphics & printables to make sure they fit your needs, and download them without much of a hassle.

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Juan Sarmiento
First of all thanks @kevin for hunting FontPairings v2! Hello everyone! Some of you may be familiar with the first release of this tool back in October last year - well, we've added a ton of cool features and today we are pleased to bring you guys the new version of our font pairings tool :) TL;DR With this tool you can match fonts or pick from 100+ premade font combinations to pre-visualize them on a variety of different types of templates for digital & print use FontPairings.ByPeople v2 brings a new collection of fonts & premade pairings with a huge variety of styles that you can easily apply and preview on templates for both web & print to pre-visualize them at the click of a button in order to easily find the perfect typographic match for your projects - simply pick your heading & paragraph fonts or pick a premade font combination from the available pairings and preview how they synergize with each other in real time on everything from web templates to posters, flyers, social media graphics, logo templates & more Since we are working on this with our friends from the best part is once you've found your desired font pairing you can pick one of the templates and edit it on the fly, customize it to your liking, and download it right away. With FontPairings.ByPeople you can: 🔎 Preview font combinations on a huge variety of templates for digital & print use 💡 Discover both free & premium typography - everything from handwriting, serif/sans-serif, slabs, vintage, etc ✏️ Pair fonts for display or long paragraphs, for websites or for printables 📜 Test titles & paragraph text size separately - no awkward font sizes, promise. 💣 Pick a premade font pairing or discover your own using our selection of free and premium fonts 📱 Preview your font combinations on desktop & mobile 📥 Download your chosen font pairing on it's own or applied to a template from Artify 🔥 Premium Typefaces & Font Bundles As I've mentioned, some of the fonts available are premium products and we couldn't give them to you for free even though we love you, however they are available for purchase with insane discounts so you should definitely check them out! ❤️ Spread the love! As usual, thank you guys for your continued support & feedback, we appreciate it really! Feel free to let me know what you guys think of this tool or if you have any questions you can drop me a line in the comments or via twitter:
Dave Smith
@kevin @juanpablosarmi Oh wow! This is awesome! The font pairing community is in need of a tool like this! thank you - My app in development will use font pairs after our MVP and beta launch. It's called - check it out!
Juan Sarmiento
@kevin @dave_smith10 Dave, great thanks, I will take a look :)
Hey Juan, congratulations for the launch, its an amazing product and i highly recommend it. Keep working 👏
Juan Sarmiento
@santhiaroo Santhia, thanks for your kind words, which combination did you like the most ?
Juan Sarmiento
@santhiaroo I absolutely love Playfair, we even used it for our Artify project :)
Musharof Chowdhury
Congrats on the launch, I can see massive improvements on 2.0
Juan Sarmiento
@musharofchy Musharof, yes, we worked hard on this version, it was technically very challenging as we wanted to apply the combinations to all designs on the fly. But liked the result :)
Fajar Siddiq
Congratulations on the launch, i can quickly choose the font and see a visual of it right on the product. Playfair Display ABeeZee is great!!!!
Juan Sarmiento
@fajarsiddiq Hi Fajar :) thank you very much for your feedback it's good to know that you liked the product and it's working great for you.
Volkan Kaya
Great product, as a web developer having an option to filter by websites only and see how they look on say a hero section or features page would be amazing.
Juan Sarmiento
@volkandkaya Thanks for the feedback Volkan, actually version one has that exact option, but for some tch issues we weren´t able to make it work today, but we will make it available soon ! BTW, Which font do you usually use for readibility in your projects ?
Volkan Kaya
@juanpablosarmi I mainly rank the top 100 google fonts and use the ones that look nice (not the best strategy but has worked well), hopefully your tool makes life a little easier.
Juan Sarmiento
@volkandkaya well, actually the same strategy we used to curated the google fonts we included, sure, hope it helps !
Jalisa Islam
Congratulations on the launch. Good luck! 🙂
Juan Sarmiento
@jalisa_islam thanks Jalisa, it took us a lot of work to build it but liked the result, and hope you can use it for your next project
Marko Cirkovic
Simple, useful, time-saver! Thank you, Juan and Daniel 🙌
Juan Sarmiento
@marko_cirkovic Marko, yesss, it's a time saver, you can try right on the spot to many different scenarios . Thanks
Csaba Kissi
As I own the Artify license this is a real improvement. Thank you guys.
Juan Sarmiento
@csaba_kissi yessss ! soon we will launch a new artify functionality which is based on this technology, it would be even easier to create quick images !!
All Caps
Could you please tell how this is different than Canva?
Juan Sarmiento
@all_caps well, probably you are talking about Artify, if so, we have an improved collection of elements, more trendy and with more quality, we have more editing options (like layers control) , we don't have thirdy party packs, all the library is packed inside the editor, we provide svg download with editable fonts.
Ankit Ghosh
Looks like a great tool for web Devs but isn't the site a bit slow?
Juan Sarmiento
@nutpanda Hello ankit, it´s a bit but due to we have to load all the fonts, once loeaded it works muuuch better.
David Henzel
What a time saver!! Love it!!
Juan Sarmiento
@davidhenzel David ! Great you find it useful ! Enjoy it...
Dilusha Gonagala
This is super useful, Loving it !
Juan Sarmiento
@dilusha thank you so much Dilusha ! There a lot of curated combinations, so enjoy tmit !
Paul Maloney
This looks a slick product, I've been playing around with it and enjoying the experience. Great work!
Juan Sarmiento
@p_maloney Paul, thanks, it's actually a playground to try and discover fonts, fantastic that you liked it
Naveh Mevorach
Congratulations on the launch. I dont know why but the website is really slow and buggy
Super Awesome!
Juan Sarmiento
@abir_hs Thanks a lot! :)
Artem Galenko
Congrats with launch of one more great tool! Extremely helpful and useful!
Juan Sarmiento
@unrealartemg Hey Artem thanks for your feedback, it is good to know that you find it useful :)
Arkadiy Baltser
This is something I have struggled with when designing web content all the time, great to know that some has actually thought to make font pairing easy!
Juan Sarmiento
@arkadiy_baltser that's exactly the reason why we created it. We spent a lot of time trying and trying fonts :) great you like it , which is your preferred combination?
Alex Kratko
Oh cool! This is excellent! Not to mention I am fond of fonts :)
Juan Sarmiento
@alikks Great to know that, I hope you enjoy using this product as well! :)
Melissa Joy Kong
LOVE this! Looking for a new font design for my @reflectionquestions handle on Instagram, and this is going to be a major help.
Juan Sarmiento
@reflectionquestions @melissajoykong Thank you so much Melissa :), we've worked very hard on this launching so I hope you find this product very helpful and you can use it in your projects!
Jasper Simon
Congrats on this awesome launch, Juan. I'll definitely be using this for my future projects :)
Juan Sarmiento
@grabdigital Jasper, thanks a lot :) glad to know you liked it and I hope you can use it in any of your projects