Phone-numbers-as-a-platform is such an interesting an unexplored area... this could be really powerful for a LOT of people... takes off from where Google left off with Voice.
Burner Connections is a platform for connecting Burner phone numbers to third-party applications and services, enabling phone numbers to do things they could never do before, like sharing voicemails, auto-archiving message content, and sharing a phone number among team collaborators.
@gehnibo yes we will. you can actually daisy-chain some now, for example if you saved something to Dropbox, you could use any number of IFTTT recipes to move it to another file storage service, post it to social media, or turn on fancy appliances in your home.
Hi everyone -- we're pretty excited about this and looking forward to feedback on this from the Product Hunt community.
When we thought of it over a year ago, it seemed obvious that phone numbers should talk to the rest of our stack. It took us time to make that a front-and-center priority for the company -- and then to execute it -- but as it's become a reality it's only become more inevitable-seeming to us that this is how phone numbers should work.
Thanks for checking it out!