Hi -- cofounder here! Thanks for posting @chrismessina; feedback or questions very welcome!
There's also a new Chrome extension hunters might find interesting: http://brnr.me/i62U.
@kar2905 we prototyped on Twilio and now use several providers on the back end that can serve us clean phone numbers and provide other telephony capabilities at carrier scale. Old-school virtual number services used to have to do a lot of work to manage this part of the infrastructure on Asterix, Freeswitch, etc., but telephony is going the way of services like AWS. This is great for us -- we get to spend our time focused on the experience and user-facing features.
@m_ttw we pulled it down temporarily as we're having a weird data migration bug that's impacting users and we want to minimize that. sorry for the inconvenience; we'll be back in action shortly.
EDIT: back to normal
@gregcohn Hey Greg, I tried signing up but it ads a weird 01 at the beginning of the phone number when I try sending the text message, any hints on how to sign up?
@mondras any chance you're trying to sign up with a non-north-american number? in any case if you would please send details to support@adhoclabs.co, that would be super-helpful.
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