Brett Terpstra

Bunch - Text-based automation for macOS


Bunch is a macOS app that turns plain text files into powerful automations, all available from a menu bar with full love for keyboard access. Launch/quit apps, change system settings, and automate the various contexts you work in.

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Brett Terpstra
Hey PH! I just released version 1.4 of Bunch. It shines at "context switching" --- setting up your Mac for a specific task or project, automatically. It can launch (or quit) all the necessary applications, change system settings like Dark Mode and Do Not Disturb, run custom AppleScripts, Shell Scripts, and Automator Workflows, and a hundred other things, all configured using plain text files (think DOS batch files, but cooler). It's gotten quite advanced since its early 1.0.0 days, but I've decided to keep it free (donationware) for now. Nonetheless, I'm pretty excited about all the new stuff in it and wanted to share! What's new?
Frands Otting
Where do I even begin? There are so many possibilities for awesome automation! Do yourself a favor and check out what else @ttscoff has up his sleeve.
Mx. Toffer D. Brutechild HSD-SC
I've never used multiple desktops, because it seemed too finicky for something that should be simple. I'm a writer (eh) who buys big MacBook Pros because I "need" them for "work" which does make me an *idiot.* Bunch is somehow incredibly more finicky and more simple through being finicky. There's so much in bunch like, running scripts, scheduling bunches, conditional logic, execution sequences, and so much more that I don't use and never will. But like, pressing something to turn on DND, open an app that makes my keyboard sound clicky, and make a new note in Bear? Yeah, I'll do that. I just did it before starting this.
Love this app, will be using it on a new Mac soon.
Nate Whistler
Wow, that's pretty cool.