Trent Wann

Bucket - Bucket lists made social


Bucket is a social media platform for finding things to do and people to do them with.

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Kamal Patel
Great product!! Fun to use to keep track of your life goals!
Neel Kumar
@patekama120 Thank you Kamal!!!
Trent Wann
@patekama120 Thanks Kamal, we appreciate the support and are happy you're enjoying it so far!
Ryan Du
Appreciate you Kamal!
I like this idea a lot – looking forward to trying it out!
Trent Wann
@nickgardner Thanks Nick! Excited to hear your thoughts on what we have so far 🙌
Ryan Du
Thanks Nick, we look forward to having you!
Garrett O'Hara
@nickgardner Thanks Nick! Feel free to follow any of us when you sign up :)
Trent Wann
Hey Product Hunt! Trent here from Bucket 👋 We are so excited to be sharing our product that we started on at the onset of COVID and at the tail-end of our college careers. We all have a bucket list, and while "bucket list" usually connotes jumping out of planes and massive 10-year goals, we like to think of them as *anything* that you want to do. That coffee shop you've wanted to try, that hike in your backyard that you've wanted to hike, or those lessons you just haven't gotten around to. And with Bucket, you now have a place to put all of those things and share them with your friends and network. Because this app is social, we've seen strangers meet over common goals (like getting matching tattoos 🤯), friends help each other learn something new, and people inspiring others to do what they've done. Like what you see and want to follow along with our journey? Download the App: Follow us on Instagram: Check out our Website: Join our Discord:
Jonathan Kingsley
super well thought out app! definitely going to start checking things off my list!
Trent Wann
@jonathan_kingsley Thanks Jonathan!
Ian Du
Fantastic idea! I can definitely see myself using this daily on my upcoming Euro trip. Really great work boys, I'm excited to start implementing this.
Trent Wann
@duskie Excited to follow along with your Euro list! 🤝 Thanks for the kind words, Ian
Badr Suleiman
Awesome product! Great way to focus on your goals and find your next adventure.
Trent Wann
Thanks Badr! Appreciate this a ton 💜
Chris Jim
I love this idea! Finding people to cross things off the bucket list together is a recipe for fun & socially interactive adventures you wouldn't have had. At the same time giving ideas for others to try! Solid work.
Trent Wann
@chriscjim Thanks Chris! We're super excited to see the connections and experiences that will come from Bucket :) Appreciate the support!
Matthew Stansberry
Seems like a great way to meet new people!
lubi jigga
Kindly tell me more about this bucket app
Mikhail Sidakov
Hi Trent! Great idea and implementation! I have quite a complementary project (photo and video app - and also taking part in Yellow Bootcamp. I'd be glad to get acquainted, probably we'll find some partnership options!