Build web apps without code, entirely visually
Tom Masiero
Bubble — Create web and mobile apps without code

Ryan Hoover
I'm surprised they don't show any real-world examples of apps/sites built with Bubble. I'm naturally skeptical of these "WYSWYG" builders but this could be fantastic for prototypes or simple products. Stamplay is similar.
Ryan Hoover
@jphaas1 Ah! Sorry, I missed that.... it's 5:40am and I haven't had my coffee yet. :)
Tom Masiero
Actually @rrhoover http://rippleconcerts.com/ was built on the platform.
Tom Masiero
Love the problem that @jphaas1 & @estraschnov are trying to solve. Would love to hear about some uses so far of the platform.
Tom Masiero
@SacBookReviewer .. I think the non technical users wouldn't see as much of an issue with it. my .02
Josh Lee
@jphaas1 was the bubble website built using bubble?
Miles Matthias
@estraschnov definitely not a content issue, just like being able to scroll ahead since I'm a developer and don't like the long explanation :)
Miles Matthias
Side note - much prefer an actual video compared to the canvas animation on the homescreen. I like scrolling when I get impatient...
Ross Rojek
My problem with services like this is paying per user, especially when it hits more than a $1000 month. I can see people using it for a quick MVP and then costing out doing their own dev for a second version and seeing if its more effective. Want to play with it when I get a chance, but that's my 2 cents.
Ross Rojek
@BlendahTom You may be right. There may be a sweet spot between the unable to figure it out crowd and those that know how to get something developed that services like this will work for them. I am interested in playing with it. Always like to see new ways to develop.
Ross Rojek
@jphaas1 I'm looking forward to playing with it. Trying to get some time this weekend to catch up with a batch of test projects. (Just got back from a 3 day short pre-honeymoon trip. Downside to marrying your work partner is you both have a hard time getting time off to enjoy it.)
Josh Haas
@rrhoover Haha I know the feeling, no problems :-)
Josh Haas
On the pricing, keep in mind that when you're running an app at scale, you're paying for server infrastructure, an operations team, developers, etc... even a two-person team is a lot more than $1000 / mo
Josh Haas
A couple not-yet-launched sites that demonstrate some more use cases: http://expertservices.askwedding..., http://bubble.is/site/vino247_ma...
Josh Haas
Check out the "What our users have built" section on our homepage... we link to a couple client sides including http://rippleconcerts.com/, http://tyled.co/, http://kindthread.com/, all of which were built by people with zero programming experience (a couple harvard business school students and a person in Switzerland who found us online)
Josh Haas
@lee94josh of course! :-)
Emmanuel Straschnov
We initially had this one.
Is it better?