Jérémie Nallet

breathin - Breathing exercises for everyone

Breathin is your new breathing exercise companion that aims to make you feel better by reducing stress or feeling of anxiety, improving your ability to focus and more. All of that through quick & powerful science backed breathing techniques. 😯 💨

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Rob McDowall
Looks great. I'm going to give this a good go and see how it helps.
Jérémie Nallet
@robmcd85 Thank you Rob !
Rucha Joshi
The seems like really helpful app and the illustrations are lovely. I am curious about how you went about selecting the breathing routines - what works and doesn't
Jérémie Nallet
@rucha_joshi8 Thank you Rucha ! 😊 Personally, I’m more restless than anything so I tend to stick to a slower breathing pattern, except on the good day when I feel calm I breath quicker to help me focus (usually the afternoon). What I’ve learn recently is that when your diaphragm moves quick it tells to your brain to secrete more noradrenaline ( putting you in a focus state, but may skyrocket anxiety ) and when the diaphragm move slowly the noradrenaline drops down (helping you relax or fall asleep). I plan on making a guide on the app so people can teach themselves on how to breath depending on who they are / how the feel
Rucha Joshi
@jeremie_nallet That's a really good insight! I am going to try and your app! It's a great idea to publish a guide it will help your users as well a be a good marketing asset.
Jérémie Nallet
I started doing breathwork after I was hit with severe anxiety. I was skeptical at first of the benefits attributed to something simple as breathing but it made a huge difference. After doing a lot of research on how to practice breathing properly I started building this app with the hope that it will help others as much as it helps me. You can find it both on iOS and Android. More exercise and features will be added later on ! Would love to hear some feedback Take care ! 😯💨
Ari Abdul
As someone who experiences lots of anxiety, I hope this helps! I'mma give it a try! Congrats on the launch btw! :)