Chris Barber

Breakout Career Notes - A list of career advice for engineers

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Chris Barber
This is a list of career advice aimed at ambitious people. We compiled this from across the web — founders, investors, and so on. Meta-advice: post people aren’t very thoughtful about their careers. Being thoughtful is generally good advice.
Joost Schuur
If you're interested in advice along the same vein, I recommend John Sonmez' Simple Programmer videos on YouTube:
Chris Barber
@joostschuur nice! this url should work better for others - what's the most useful thing you can remember him talking about
Alibek Datbayev
Great notes! And I personally love their! Totally awesome!
Evan Varsamis
great list thanks for sharing :)
Chris Barber
@evanvar out of curiosity, what was the most counter intuitive advice