Hey Hunters 👋
I know I'm not the first to launch a tool that allows you to chat with your documents, but I aim to be the best and the go to.
I've been working on BrainyPDF for the past 4 months to make it the best PDF chatbot out there. I focused on three main details:
💵 Price: We offer the cheapest plan out of all competitors with an extremely generous free plan. If we didn't have to keep up with our openAI bill BrainyPDF would have been completely free.
🎉 Simplicity: You will notice that to use our tool there is no need for login, you just simply upload and chat with your PDFs right away without having to navigate anywhere.
👌 Use Cases: Join students, researchers, marketers, copywriters and professionals from all industries to instantly answer questions and understand research with AI.
All I hope is that you all enjoy using BrainyPDF 😊
I'm the creator of ChatPDF, which we launched on PH 5 months ago.
BrainyPDF shamelessly copied the design and wording of our landing page.
Please check out the original at https://ChatPDF.com
@xathis I clicked through to chatpdf (cause I was interested in the product and have seen the name in various places) and was thinking "yeah it's probably vaguely similar" but whoah, it's word-for-word plagiarism. Buddy could have at least used AI to rewrite the content(!)
Looking great! analysing PDF will be super easy with BrainyPDF.
You should submit to AI directories: https://docs.google.com/spreadsh...
AI directories is where you get traffic for your initial launch.