Ben Tossell

Boundless - Create dynamic, multisided web applications without code

Boundless is a next-generation web builder that allows you to build an interactive web application without writing any code. Create beautiful pages, save and redisplay user-generated content, and trigger custom workflows. The possibilities are Boundless.

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Ben Tossell
Ok being known as the 'no-code person' I'm always looking for new tools to push this movement forward. When Nolan reached out to show me Boundless I was astounded by how quick and powerful it was. You can have: - login/signup - invite systems - custom workflows - dynamic data powered with formulas - user profiles - forums These use-cases are a HUGE deal for the no-code movement. People often get confused and concerned with using multiple tools and sticking them together but with Boundless a lot of the heavy lifting is in one place. I can't wait for the things I'll be building with Boundless for Makerpad! p.s. Boundless is now one of the first tools featured on makerpad:
Nolan Evans
Hi Hunters, Really excited to share what we've been working on at Boundless with you. We’re offering a tool that will help creators easily build beautiful, database-backed web apps without writing a single line of code. On the front end, you can create a consistent look and feel by updating your fonts and overall theme in one place. On the backend, Boundless forms save data in a way that will let you use it throughout your site. You can display data dynamically with Variants and Formulas, allowing you to show swappable information to your visitors based on variables you set. The apps we generate automatically come with a concept of users already wired up, which allow for folks to create some very cool applications. Here are some examples of what people have already built: * An Unsplash clone * Hand drawn Emoji Service - Pay $15 and get a hand drawn Emoji of yourself ( * Help site * Viral lead flow where people can refer their friends * Blog/Static marketing site We have a lot of integrations already: * Stripe * Slack * Email * Google Analytics * Segment * Custom email servers With a lot more planned. One last fun thing: the Boundless app you make is a Single Page App that offer a lightening fast experience for your customers while still being search engine friendly. Would love to hear what you think, suggestions and feedback are welcome!
Ace Bevacqua
@nolan_evans Hi mate, I have just started using Bubble and came across this post. Looks very interesting. Can you clarify what you mean by 'Boundless app you make is a Single Page App'?
Nolan Evans
Hi @ace_bevacqua A single page app is a javascript application - typically built with React, Ember, or Angular where the page you see is all rendered by javascript (typically clientside). Facebook, Gmail, Netflix, Trello are all single page apps. There are some advantages and disadvantages to single page apps. Typical Pro's: - Super snappy once the page has loaded (think instant page loads on link clicking, you can see this for example on, compare this to a typical wordpress site) - You can build interactions (live updating list, realtime filtering) that would be a lot more difficult in a standard html app Typical Con's: - Harder to support SEO as the page is rendered on the client side vs server side (we take care of this for you with Boundless) - Javascript has to be enabled on the client side Single page apps are typically made by engineers as there are very few web app builders that can generate a single page app. I am excited about what possibilities this will open up for web apps built with Boundless.
Sam Ward
Can you outline some of the ways you’ve distinguished Boundless from its major competitors in the space? Looks awesome!
Nolan Evans
Hi @devolutionist - So there are a few thing that set us apart: 1. Our forms do not go into the void - they instead are easily referenced allowing you to pull your data back out. This enables you to do quite a bit more than Webflow, Wordpress, Airtable, etc. When pulling data back out you can use excel like formula's to perform interesting operations on your data, here is a gif of me calculating the number of referrals on our viral lead site template: You can see the result here: https://fr3em258qxdwp3am4zvb7s3g... 2. We focus on generating a consistent theme for your site via our styles page. We generate a style guide (https://d3j9pdwk635p6l.cloudfron...) for every app which allows you to take our vanilla theme and turn it into a pixel perfect matching of your designs. We've been able to rebuild SquareSpace themes using our style guide editor. This approach allows you to theme a site in a way that promotes re-use so you do it once, and then your sites building blocks match the theme. In this way I think we are much better than Bubble. 3. Every Boundless app comes with a concept of users out of the box so you can build sites that are powered by user generated content vs static content the creator creates. 4. On the technology side I think our technical foundation is just better. We generate a single page app that is SEO friendly and cache the heck of out it so you have a super fast site. What this means for a site built with Boundless clicking a link doesn't trigger a full page redraw or a request to the server - it instead has all the information it needs to start painting the new page immediately.
Safiya Carter-Thompson
This looks awesome! Now I don't have to talk my engineer friend into helping me build my site for my new custom clothing dying business!
Casey Fulgenzi
Congrats on the launch @nolan_evans and @steve_hull! I took a look at all your site examples and couldn't find anything that Carrd, Webflow, Squarepsace and WordPress couldn't do better and at a much lower price. I'd recommend adding examples *to your site* of more complex use cases (like user-generated content, account logins/user profiles and formulas) so that potential customers can really see what it can do. I'm sure @bentossell is already working on some walk-through videos for the no-code people, which will be a huge help. One last thing, I'd recommend having a lower tier that's a bit more limited but in the $20-$30 range. IMO, that $50 entry point, even with a lengthy free trial, is going to be a deterrent. It made me (among other things) not even want to sign-up and trial it.
Nolan Evans
Hi @caseyfulgenzi Thanks for all the feedback! 1. You are correct that we aren't doing a good enough job at highlighting what the tool can do, will work at improving this over the coming weeks. 2. I hear you that the pricing can be intimidating and a deterrent especially given point #1 we will also be improving this. With regards to #1 wanted to share some examples to showcase what Boundless can do: The Viral lead Site (Viewable here https://hxgc8jsqxebpx5drr4axw8bc...) This is one of our template apps a viral lead flow site that you can create with one click from showcases how the data in our forms is re-usable throughout your site. This is using a formula to perform a count on the fly of how many other customers have been referred by this customer. This same page contains a visual variant that displays differently if you have invited one or zero users. Here's a gif showing off how that behavior is setup: As the creator of the site your data lives in a real database, no smoke and mirrors an engineer would build this database the same way that Boundless does From the above data this is what the user will see when they see their thanks page The Visor site is a version of this app. The custom theming that was applied to it was super easy to do with our style editor, and allowed the theme to be created once and used throughout. They have also used some more advanced features including a unique email constraint. These are things that you can't do with SquareSpace, Wordpress, Carrd, or Webflow. Thanks again, appreciate your feedback.
Joel Runyon
Does this do referenced tables? Bulk uploads?
Nolan Evans
@joelrunyon Hi Joel, we have csv based import on our near term roadmap. Yes we are able to support tables that reference one another. This screenshot is an example of what one would see with the viral lead site template: The two rows are the two people who signed up, you can see the top row was referred by the bottom row, if you mouse over an associated record you get a summary card for that record and can click view record to drill into it.
Joel Runyon
@nolan_evans 1) eta on CSV? That's sort of a deal-breaker for me 2) Can one cell reference multiple tables? If so - can those be imported as well? That's something on WebFlow they own't let you do that drives me crazy
Nolan Evans
@joelrunyon With regards to #2 we can reference both multiple tables (via multiple association columns) and multiple rows (via checking the box in the following screenshot) With regards to #1 I should be able to get workable CSV imports for you by next week - would be happy to discuss further over email: nolan[at]
Filippo Mursia
Seems actually interesting, but there isn't any example of something built with it (except that website), also the pricing it's pretty high and feels like totally random?
Nolan Evans
Hi @mrdobelina Appreciate the feedback on the pricing - I think our $50 a month price point is comparable to higher tier SquareSpace plans and we offer a lot more functionality than they are able to offer. I can appreciate that the $500 a month is high for an individual - this is intended to be our small business/startup pricing tier. Here are some more examples: Our site: Our help site (can you tell we like dogfooding?): https://help.builtwithboundless.... One of our most recent customer launches is a viral lead flow site:
Fraser Smith
It looks good, but at those prices, I think you're going to scare off a lot of the little guys. Example, I looked at the pricing first and that was enough for me to decide not to even try it out.
Nolan Evans
@frassmith Thanks for the feedback on the pricing being a deterrent for you. Will look at improving this.
Chris Davis
@nolan_evans While the comments re: pricing make a lot of sense, I don't see anything wrong with pricing high out of the gate. These types of platforms are useful for the no-code ecosystem, and using the funding from early adopters will help make Boundless a going concern. That said, at $50/month, I would want the option to remove your branding from my app.
Nolan Evans
@imchrisdavis Thanks for the feedback, fair point on the $50 price point with branding.
Karl Gingerich
So could I get API integration for things you haven't plugged in yet - such as Google maps?
Steve Hull
@karl_gingerich yeah we do have plans opening up API endpoints for your app, as well as webhooks and eventually custom components. But also we will be adding a "location" field type and offer some map features as first-class things.
Sharath Kuruganty
Super excited to try Boundless. I'm guessing this platform will help evolve no-code functional products more. As a no-code maker, I see an immediate need for products like this and there is a lot of potential in future. Super pumped to see what makers like me are going to build with Boundless.
Safiya Carter-Thompson
This seems pretty cool! Can’t wait to use it!
Jessica Ko
Amazing idea and product. I’m excited for you guys!
Jin Ah Lee
Cool! I'm trying to build a crowdsourced map. Would I be lucky to be able to use boundless for that or is it too specific? Thanks!
Nolan Evans
Hi @jinahlee1234 - we are currently working on adding support for Geographical data which will likely cover the use cases you are looking for - if you have more detailed examples of what you're trying to build you can email me: nolan[at] and I'd be happy to discuss further.
Ace Bevacqua
Loving the look of this. Being a non-tech founder, the thought hiring devs or outsourcing just isn't feasible and no code tools like this are the answer. @nolan_evans @steve_hull - I am in the middle fo building a marketplace that requires in-app chat and video call servicing. Most likely using Twilio for these services. Would boundless be able to support this level of API integration?
Steve Hull
@nolan_evans @ace_bevacqua live chat is definitely in the near-term roadmap, Twilio integration will be in the roadmap as well. More generally, we have near-to-mid term plans to enable webhooks, API, and custom components for your apps on Boundless.
Andrew Maguire

Congrats to Nolan, Steve, Adam, and the rest of the awesome team for launching!


The UX is super intuitive and I can actually build stuff that doesn't look canned without being a developer.


Ultimately it would be cool to build mobile apps as well.

Dou Ozgen
I just had a great demo @nolan_evans - The product is capable of creating and integration data tables, email sign up forms. It is easy to use. It took us 30 mins to build v01 of what I have in mind.
dope&genius hq
Interesting Idea Fellas! Excited to test drive.
Valia Havryliuk
Congrats with the launch! What a great web builder! ✨ If you wish, I'm happy to see Boundless in Awesome Design Tools (, which is the biggest collection of design tools.
Lachlan Kirkwood
Great tool to empower makers 🙌
Conrad Ehinger
I love the idea of no code apps. Do you have any example sites to share?
Nolan Evans
Hi @conrad_ehing Here are some more examples! Our site: Our help site (can you tell we like dogfooding?): https://help.builtwithboundless.... One of our first customers: One of our most recent customer launches is a viral lead flow site: