Kevin William David

Botsify FAQ Chatbot - Fully Automated FAQ Chatbot Builder

Botsify has built the FAQ Chatbot tool which provides easiness to website owners for finding possible FAQs in the website and create automated chatbot. The flow is easy and go like this:
1- Add URL of website
2- Content scraping
3- FAQ Chatbot created

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Usama Noman
Hey ProductHunt community! 🖐️🖐️🖐️ We are so glad to present you the automatic chatbot creation tool by Botsify. Now you can give your website's FAQ page Link and Botsify will make the chatbot for you within 5 minutes. 🔥NO CODING, NO NEED TO ADD ALL QUESTION AND ANSWERS Manually. 🔥 It all happens automagically. We know similar tools exist before, but we wanted to give it a try, and see how everyone reacts and thing about this feature. 😃 Most importantly, it's free to try it with your own website look and feel 🖥️. Just click the "Demo" link you get in your email to see how it looks and feels on your own website.
Jibran Yousuf Khan
We are currently working with Botsify to automate customer queries for Now this FAQ ChatBot tool looks promising as well. Kudos to @usamanoman. Q: If I do not have a dedicated page for FAQs, and they are integrated into the landing page, will Botsify still be able to scrape the content or in other words, cherry-pick the FAQs only? Since there will be multiple types of content on the page.
Shahroze Nawaz
@usamanoman @muhammad_jibran_yousuf_khan Thanks for supporting Botsify here. If you don't have FAQ page don't worry just provide the main website URL. Botsify will scrape the potential FAQs in the website and create chatbot stories for that. After that just publish chatbot on your website or FB.
Benjamin Nau
In your example, the human questions are very well phrased. How smart is the bot? Can it decipher the intent of a question that is poorly phrased, spelled, etc?
Usama Noman
@benjamin_nau You can edit it once the chatbot is created using AI.
it is a very useful tool,
Shahroze Nawaz
Thanks @aralugo9, Do share your feedback with us :)
Eyla Anaya
Suhail Ameer
Talha mumtaz
Dwayne Charrington
Solid tool, with a superbly simple interface. Integrates with multiple platforms including messenger and WhatsApp effortlessly.