An all-in-one suite of innovative EdTech tools
Varun S

Greenboard — Borum's innovative learning management system

Greenboard is an extensive all-in-one learning management system comprising a hub for online learning with assignments, material, questions, secure assessment web app, and a discussion forum for each class, study tools, a built-in grading system, and more.
Varun S
Hi 👋 everyone! I'm Varun, the founder and leader developer of Greenboard. Greenboard is a comprehensive learning management system that aims to solve the problems of Google Classroom and Canvas to make online learning easier, more efficient, and smarter at an affordable cost. The Greenboard ecosystem brings third-party to first-party: ⭐ Greenboard Tally is a grading system that automatically puts in assessment and assignment grades ⭐ Greenboard Flash is a study tool for students to create flash cards, mind maps, quizzes, and study plans to enhance their learning experience ⭐ Greenboard Assess is a cheat-proof, digital assessment service with the capabilities of paper testing ⭐ Greenboard Audio ⭐ Each class will have a discussion forum for students to ask questions and stimulate discussion inside and outside the classroom. In addition, Greenboard Forums provides teachers with insulated, helpful communities of teachers who teach their subject that help adhere to standards and share classroom materials ⭐ Students can take notes in Borum Jot ⭐ Assignments with due dates are added to your Borum Calendar and grouped by class I would love your thoughts and feedback!
Kristin Vargas
hi it is not possible to sign up - the pricing page CTA's go nowhere, the get started page doesn't allow registration. Can ou please advse?