Buğra Kaan Ayaz

Boostfy - a

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Helen Crozier
I'm sorry I don't think this is a cool product - I find this type of automation completely irritating and pointless for account owners preferring legitimate engagement.
Buğra Kaan Ayaz
@helencrozier Hey Helen, I respect your point of view. But actually Boostfy gives you the technology, it's up to you how to use it. We have some brands who use our product only to run campaigns via hashtags or distribute promo codes. According to our experience, it helps on building relationships with customers. But of course, you may just not be our customer segment, I totally understand that :)
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@kaanayaz_ how does automating likes "build relationships"? Is this allowed by Instagram's TOS?
Nita Lim
@helencrozier I noticed the same things on my personal account. But the clients have asked for this and instead of having a team of interns do this, Boostfy can!
Jess Sloss
@needalimb @helencrozier Neither technique (interns or bots) is a good way to build "relationships". There is no long term short cut to connection. Plus, it's WAY obvious when someone is using a tool like this, and my first opinion of those who do use it is very negative. You won't win me as a customer this way.
Buğra Kaan Ayaz
Jp Valery
@kaanayaz_ How long will that promo code be valid ?
Ilya Sladkih
@jpvalery @kaanayaz_ yeah, I have the same question. Can I use the promo not today but, for instance, tomorrow or on the weekend?
Ilya Sladkih
@jpvalery aaw, we posted our comments simultaneously. Thanks for the answer
Fresh Fresh
This idea already exists in many different software products such as FollowLiker, which is a bot for Instagram, twitter, Pinterest, and tumblr. However there is a trend on Instagram with things called Power Likes. The basic idea is that, you get other accounts to like your pages pictures as soon as you post them. A bunch of these likes will boost the post in Instagram's algorithm, helping it go viral and reach more users. A software to automate these Power Likes among groups of accounts would be something of high demand right now. And some unit I would buy. 👍
Bootstrap IO
Is this considered a "Blackhat tactic"?
Jeffrey Wyman
The unfortunate story here is that it probably works regardless of how annoying it is.
Kostas Xiradakis
Cool product. What's your competitive advantage over Instagress???
Buğra Kaan Ayaz
@kostgx Hey Kostas, we are in open beta right now. We aim to build a strong community with creators from all around the world instead of building successful software products. However we know about tech, we will be using it :) You can read our blog post about what other features we're working on. https://medium.com/@Boostfy/welc...
Buğra Kaan Ayaz
@kostgx Also, we have an alpha product that we didn't mention on our website which uses image and video recognition to understand to avoid liking inappropriate posts. Feel free to send an email to bugra@boostfy.co for more details and maybe a demo.
Stan Podolski
And this is why I hate IT so much. Instagram was created to get an inner artist out. And now we have automated posting, automated liking and whatever is automated is going to be next. Just in case, please never like my posts automatically. I wanna have people on the other side
Luke Robert
@ipstas happens to all social medias. Happened to Facebook, Twitter and now Instagram - it's why all the teenagers moved to Snapchat, and once it happens there, they'll move again
Michael Tudda
@ipstas @luke_robert that's not the only reason. Too many old people using fb and insta now so it's not cool anymore!
Nice. I am using https://hypegrowth.com for Twitter, could not find anything good for Instagram yet. Will give it a go.
Csaba Kissi
Do you use Instagram API for this or did you add some own unofficial API?
Jared Schaffer
@csaba_kissi or no api at all? Possible to do with browser automation tools like selenium or even manually in the browser console w/ javascript
Tristan Pollock
Love it. How do you compare to Instagress or GrowthPup?
Buğra Kaan Ayaz
@writerpollock Hey Tristan, thanks for your interest. I'd like to tell you what features will we add in the near future or what sets Boostfy apart from the competition. Would you mind sending me an email? (bugra@boostfy.co)
Andreas Duess
I think that this is an interesting idea - the obvious danger is that the program might like inappropriate material.
Buğra Kaan Ayaz
@andreasduess Hey Andreas, thanks for kind words. We have an alpha product that we didn't mention on our website which uses image and video recognition to understand to avoid liking inappropriate posts. Feel free to send an email to bugra@boostfy.co for more details and maybe a demo.
Ettore Tortora
It seems interesting although not original. Is there a risk of having the account banned by Instagram? I heard it's a common thing when using similar services.
How could you prevent it like pictures that should not be liked? Although I don't understand why people post pictures like someone died on the highway on their Instagram either...
Buğra Kaan Ayaz
@huangdun Ahaha that made me laugh so hard :) Currently you can use minimum like and minimum followers filters to assume that the content quality is high. Also, as I mentioned in other comments we are working on an alpha product that we didn't mention on our website which uses image and video recognition to understand to avoid liking inappropriate posts. Feel free to send an email to bugra@boostfy.co for more details and maybe a demo.
Julia Mesner Burdge
Looks a lot like instagress, but I'm going to follow to see if you prove that you are different.
Juan L
@julia_mesner will you try our service and give us feedback in product hunt we have a 7 day free trial for you https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Miles Richardson
Cool product (though as a user of instagram I'm annoyed by the obvious spam likes of my photos and would never follow back). Are you worried about cease & desist from instagram? Or not so much because you're not from the US?
Not bad integration but you can do it for free with a python bot on github just play and have fun with it and you ll get good results.
Troy Osinoff
Is this for real? Not only does this violate terms, but you just ripped off another platform which I won't name.
Chase Williams
Wasn't able to verify, the code wouldn't send from instagram
Alex King
Instagress just got shut down. Will this follow?