Julian Baker

bookpo.st - Swap books with like minded readers


A book based social network that lets you find great recommendations from like minded readers, and swap books with them for no fee. We match people by their book taste, allowing them to message, and find that next great read. Launching a virtual book club next

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Julian Baker
Inspired by Book Crossing eleven years ago! Took until lockdown to have the time to make it
Tanya Volkova
@julianbaker3 I like the idea, tried to register, looks like it's available only for certain countries at the moment?
Julian Baker
@tanya_volkova It's available everywhere, but the UX is only in English for now. It's Global but you have to pay postage to where the book is going, so best swap with people for your country. Early days!
Nastya Mikeyeva
@julianbaker3 This is an interesting product.
Julian Baker
@mikeyeva Thank you!
Eugenia Russell
Would be good to see non-fiction too. Please let me know if you add it as this is my main interest. Many thanks.