Nick De Mey

Business Model Kit - Explore revenue models to make money with your idea

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Joao Carvalho
I think that the only problem of this product is the price. It's a bit high for a "box with cards" when those same cards have visual elements that can be easily replicated by everyone that is building a business model (drawing or downloading similar image set on the web)
Justin Lai
@johntheoak for the price I'd rather buy nice pens and paper to replicate it in drawings - If I lose the HQ icon I won't have a company to run!
Nick De Mey
@johntheoak I agree on the price. For the moment we only produce these brainstorm kits with writable magnets in smaller batches so we can't lower our price much without making a loss. Most often innovation teams in larger corporates buy these sets to equip their brainstorm rooms. But we want to make the method accessible to everyone. That's why we also have the digital files available for download, for free. Thanks for your feedback!
Nick De Mey
Hey there Product Hunt! Despite we co-created some other products which were on PH before, this is the first of our own products that we post over here. Since many big corporates are using our business model kit, we thought it was time to introduce it with the PH community. Even though our kit is for sale, it’s not our goal to sell hundreds of it through Product Hunt (BTW, you can download all blocks for FREE if you subscribe to our newsletter). Our goal is to get as much feedback on our kit as possible from startups, entrepreneurs, … It’s definitely a great way to find the right revenue model for your idea. So, start drawing your business model with our blocks and share it with us on social media. Would love to hear your feedback! Thanks :)
Kristoffer Tjalve
Hey. I am slightly biased (old employee), but really like the kit. Good for illustrating relationship between different actors in the business model and subsequently challenge the underlying assumptions. However, for startups I agree this is cost worth saving, so download the kit instead. Or even better, @nickdemey & co., you guys should develop a proper digital version of this :-)
Nick De Mey
@tjalve One day well make time to build the app! :)
I have worked with Board of Innovation in the past and also with their business model kit. I can vouch for them and their product that it's really useful for big or small companies!
Yannick Khayati
@kouriskalligas Thx a lot Kouris!
Liam F. Tjoa
Really like the idea! :)
Yannick Khayati
@liamtjoa Thanks Liam!
I will use your pictos during my Design Thinking workshops, thanks.
Yannick Khayati
@steveraffner Awesome Steve! Let us know what your participants think about them.
Wilson J Pan
Haha, love it..nice
Елена Симонова
I have many business ideas and some tips for business
Benjamin Bressington
are these still available? A lot of the links or pay with tweet are broken... any other links we can use?
Yannick Khayati
@benjaminbressington Hi Benjamin, sorry for the late response. Please send an email to if you still want them.
Corbn Alex
This is extra ordinary effort I will highly recommend this feature to my friends its pretty similar to Comprehensive audit you can see here.