Taha ahmed khan

Bot Dollars - Learn how to price your bot

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Menachem Pritzker
so your product is just a spreadsheet of 25 prices for bots that you're charging $7 to see?
Taha ahmed khan
@mdavep Thanks a lot for the question, yes you are right but it took a lot of my time and effort to collect and organize this data in a useful fashion which will basically saves the developers time in deciding the price tag for their bot, I already made some sales meaning its useful for some users. I have plans for making this into an interactive website with infographics.
Ilker Burak
Just suggestion, you should have least a demo or small part of data to show what will people will get if they purchase,otherwise project will look like 'I will give you secret of life if you pay $$' to others.
Taha ahmed khan
@ilker_burak Thanks for the awesome suggestion, following which I have uploaded a limited data sheet which you can download from the website for free.
This product idea reminds me of those other two beautifully designed price estimators for "how much does it cost to build my app", and the same for websites. Well I am not going to pay $7 to check it out, but I appreciate that you tried!
Taha ahmed khan
@orliesaurus Thanks for the comment and appreciation, yup I too love those two price estimators, they are actually side projects for 'Crew' hence not charging a dime, where as this is actual data from bot startups
Zach Swetz
@tahaqadri so, I see why the "crew" team made their products, because it's directly related to what they make and thus they want to show an expertise in the space... But why did you make this? Do you have a bot project you were researching? Why $7?
Taha ahmed khan
@swetzequity I am glad that you asked this question, most of the startups have a main product and a number of side projects related to the main product, my approach is relatively a new one and that is to have a number of tiny products in different domains instead of having one main product. While coming to the bots domain, I can see that there are hundreds of bots but only few are brave enough to put a price tag and I found this really interesting how they are charging the user, some are going with the usual per month or per user model where as others are charging based on percentage and credits, that's the reason I decided to collect all this data in one place. Lastly regarding the price, I had 2 options either to use this data and make a lengthy research report with a huge price tag targeting enterprise companies (or) to sell it in a raw format to bot developers and I went for the later option.
Taha ahmed khan
I have collected bot pricing data from more than 25 bots, this might help bot developers to understand how various bots are priced. The data is collected and sorted according to various pricing data points such as freemium, per month, per user, trial periods, pricing tiers, annual and enterprise plans. You can use the coupon code 'PHTWENTY' to get 20% off.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Is there a list of the bots you've covered?
Taha ahmed khan
@chrismessina Thanks for the comment, the entire list is in the first spreadsheet of the excel file, users need to purchase the excel file in order to know the list
Taha ahmed khan
@chrismessina I have uploaded a free version, download it to get an idea of the complete data
I'll buy it if you give me the names of three of the bots in the list.
Taha ahmed khan
@seanbolak Thanks for the inquiry, I have uploaded a limited data sheet which you can download for free from the website to get an idea of the complete data.