Eric Willis

Bitbounce - Email paywall

Email paywall

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Dave Cooper
This is a great idea. However, there is absolutely zero chance I'm going to use it. There's no way I'm letting your application do the following: "read, send delete and manage your email", "view your email messages and settings", "view and modify, but not delete your email", "manage drafts and send emails", "manage your contacts", "manage your calendars".
Dave Cooper
@macgregordennis Awesome, sorry if I sounded a bit harsh, but it's definitely a really alarming set of permissions that the application is requesting. As soon as that is addressed, I'll definitely give the application a go :)
Till Koch
@dave_cooper I agree. Love the idea, but hesitate for the same reason. Also, more information on the landing would be good. For example how do you identify "unsolicited" email?
Stewart Dennis
@steven_spiel Fair enough. This has been very helpful feedback. I'll try to get a fix implemented this afternoon that reduces the requested permissions/scopes. Please check back later in the day for an update!
Steven Bentley
@dave_cooper When we created Bit-Bounce, it was supposed to stop email spamming rather then create more... I was there for the first launch of the product. The application ended up trying to sign in to my account. It then tried to take over the account via many reasons... It then Spammed all my contacts in my mailing list... After that. it started stealing all my data in google docs etc etc etc. Please be careful. @Stewart_Dennis. You should just change the name back To Bit-SPAMMER or whatever name you came up with in the beginning. lol.... jk jk The Ai Aspect is pretty legit tho It just needs some work on moral code.
@macgregordennis when do expect to get that fix in?
Seth Louey
I actually signed up and then stopped the process at the Coinbase auth. So if I'm reading this right, you are going to pull $1 USD from my account every day? Is that correct?
Nick Frost
@sethlouey @macgregordennis Can you add context to this?
Seth Louey
@thinker @macgregordennis there is a daily deposit authentication within Coinbase. Not sure where the money is going. I get the BTC auth deposits into your account, but why is my account sending USD?
@macgregordennis @sethlouey @thinker Why involve Coinbase at all? Just let the user set any BTC address of their choosing.
Stewart Dennis
@_sklahr_ @sethlouey @thinker Thanks for the suggestion. I'm considering that option, though there could be additional compliance requirements and security risks. Coinbase is a great company and I hope to maintain a strong partnership with them for the long-term.
What advantage does your service provide over
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Jordan Finnigan
"Thank you for trusting us."
Joey Figaro
So, I just got a surprise email that bitbounce sent from my account to hundreds of my contacts. I'm now receiving handfuls of automated mail delivery failure replies every minute or so. Email you sent out: I'm not sure how you managed to actually use my account - I'm going to assume that I went further with the permissions than I remember. Regardless, using my account to advertise to my contacts wholesale (a few of which were me, which seems silly) without any heads up is a total failure on your part. I'll be removing bitbounce from my authorized apps, and sincerely hope that you guys do something about this -- because it's unacceptable. Also, I wouldn't have whitelisted half of the email addresses you reached out to with an advertisement for your platform. I don't think you should assume all contacts in a contact list should be whitelisted - many of them are there from unsolicited messages. A shot of the permissions granted (prior to the fix you guys released):
Joey Figaro
@macgregordennis That makes sense - the issue I'm having is that I never went through onboarding. I pinned the coinbase and gmail auth request pages I hit after submitting my email and came here to ask about the permissions I saw. I never got the chance to complete authorization or sign into the service when I noticed the emails.
Chris Cates
Yay! Keep up the great work!
Vivek Ramesh
absolutely badass potential on this one, important people who wanna receive filtered emails and businesses who ll be forced to pay consumers to read their spammy emails
David Yap
You're a fucking disaster. This morning, I just realise that my email has send out 1000+ invites to my friends to join bitbounce. I have not approve this and I hope you burn for doing this.
Zyad Sherif
Google auth redirect_uri_mismatch .. might wanna check that
Russell Glidewell

Say as what others are saying .I don't want to allow outside source to have that much control over my email




Have access to , to much information

Sam Sexton
How does this work with marketing emails that the user has subscribed to? Reading the white paper these seem to be treated as "unsolicited"
Stewart Dennis
@samsexton Great question. Currently, marketing emails sent from addresses not on a user's whitelist are treated as unsolicited. I've got a feature on the product roadmap that will allow users to automatically add to their whitelist any addresses of lists they are subscribed to.
Andreas Duess
Holy permission request. Read, manage and delete my mail? I don't think so.
Arieh Movtady
Love it
:: lawson baker ::
This is super cool. Will definitely look at using after the permissions are updated. It would be interesting if this concept could be mirrored for cell phone numbers. Thoughts anyone?
:: lawson baker ::
@macgregordennis, yea, I think this is a larger problem with no current market solutions. SMS following close behind + soon to be exploited by spammers.
Justin Mitchell
So i didn't see issue with the Gmail permissions, but holy crap scary coinbase permissions. Buy on my behalf AND send $1 a day. I'm out.
Johny Miric
Quite interesting, but I'm afraid this might produce a lot of confusion. What about confirmation emails when we signup for a new service, they will all get blocked? It's easy to create a whitelist if you know the email, but in many cases, you don't know exact email, and it might contain important information. I'm also afraid it will shoot an email to my entire contact list, so to be safe, I turned everything off :-)
Jeremy Pinnix
@johnyqi Yes. @macgregordennis How do you plan to address these concerns?
Kranthi Reddy
You guys are sending emails to everyone in my contact list without my consent i am deactivating my account
Benny V
You guys are in desperate need of a video explantation or something. Because I just installed it and still have no idea what the hell you guys do.
Jack Maitland

I love it and I've been paid a few dollars to receive emails I would have read for free.


Has cleared up my inbox a lot and they seem to be updating the product pretty quickly with good applications.


I can't access who's email have bounced

Tony DeFranco
Great idea!