Christopher Gimmer

Bitbo - Real-time Bitcoin dashboard

Bitbo is a real-time Bitcoin dashboard that allows anyone to monitor on-chain data, view live price action, and track key economic indicators - all for free.

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Christopher Gimmer
Hey Product Hunters, @TheRealestMarc and I are proud to officially launch Bitbo! Bitbo is a real-time Bitcoin dashboard that allows anyone to monitor on-chain data, view live price action, and track key economic indicators - all for free. While existing data is scattered across a myriad of different websites, our goal is to aggregate all key Bitcoin data into one unified platform, while offering a phenomenal user experience. Although Bitbo is currently just a one page dashboard, we'll be rolling out additional charts and tools over the coming months. Soon you'll be able to view historical data for each stat that we're currently tracking. Also note that Bitbo is fully mobile responsive and you can save the website to your home screen so it functions like a mobile app. If you have any feedback or suggestions on how we can make Bitbo better, please feel free share them in the comments :)
Ben Kaufman
The best Bitcoin dashboard out there! Beautiful design, convenient, and rich with information and features.
Christopher Gimmer
@_benkaufman Thanks Ben glad you're digging the dashboard :)
Rodolphe Dutel
Congrats on a flawless product, @cgimmer. It's hard to keep a dashboard simple yet insightful, yours looks great :)
Christopher Gimmer
@rdutel Thanks for the kind words Rodolphe. Much appreciated :)
Jean Amiouny
Bitbo is an excellent Bitcoin dashboard that I check daily on my laptop and iPhone (save to homescreen so it feels like a native app). Highly recommended.
Christopher Gimmer
@aiouy Thanks Jean glad you're liking it. I'm a big fan of Shakepay!
The best Bitcoin dashboard by a mile! Keep up the good work!
Christopher Gimmer
@c_aite Thanks for the vote of confidence!
John Vallis
Incredibly informative (and addictive) bitcoin dashboard. Love this product!
Aydin Mirzaee
Love this. Very excited for this launch @cgimmer and team! ... And of course it is very timely given the times 😁
Christopher Gimmer
@cgimmer @aydin_mirzaee Glad you like the dashboard Aydin. We think Bitcoin's time has definitely come!
Oscar Jesionek
Great dashboard, I've been using it for a while. I particularly like the option to price BTC in gold. I actually like that it doesn't have altcoins but I have caught myself having to switch to another dashboard when I was curious how BTC is trending vs. ETH. Any chance to add that option, so pricing BTC in ETH? I don't care about the ETH price itself, just how it's trending vs. BTC.
Christopher Gimmer
@oscarjes Glad you're liking the dashboard and thanks for the feedback! Having the option to price Bitcoin against ETH might be interesting and something we could look into.
Daniel Prince
Excellent Bitcoin Dashboard, I love this and use it daily!
Christopher Gimmer
@daniel_prince1 Thanks Daniel glad you're loving the dashboard! Really appreciate your podcast and what you do for the Bitcoin space :)
Arjun Rajkumar
Love this ! My usual daily visit to check important stats.
Christopher Gimmer
@arjunrajkumar Amazing, happy to hear that Arjun :)
George Wardman
Great app. Highly recommended. I especially love the gold vs btc comparisons. Great work guys!
Christopher Gimmer
@geordiewardman Thanks Geordie. BTC vs. gold is one of my favourite sections too :)
Been using it daily! Great site
Great UI and all the info needed to track Bitcoin. Great Job!
Nick Le
Bitbo is always open on a tab on my laptop and always open on a tab on my phone's browser. I check this at least 10 times a day, awesome product and incredible UI. Well done guys 👍
Azzam Sheikh
Great tool, thank you. As a noob who looks at this on a mobile device, would like to see: a) Tooltips, explain what each items on the list below chart means. Perhaps links to an FAQ b) An alert when it climbs or drops to a certain price point (I'm in GBP)
Christopher Gimmer
@azzam_sheikh Great feedback! Our goal is to turn each stat into its own page with charting/history and we'd include a brief description of the stat/metric on those individual pages. We could look into tooltips in the meantime though. Also good suggestion about the price alerts. We'd have to implement some kind of login system first but certainly doable down the road :)
Azzam Sheikh
@cgimmer thank you. Can push notifications not work instead of login FEATURE? But login would be welcomed I suspect. My marketing brain says you should curate information on BTC and share in a newsletter or link back to a blog post. I've worked with a big crypto news site and traffics have been insane to their content.
Markus Sinnhuber
Use Bitbo everyday and have it open on one monitor for most of it. Saved the dashboard to my iPhone Homescreen too which makes it easy to access and keep track of any price action. Hands down the best UI and Dashboard I've used! Excited to see it grow alongside Bitcoin!
Miguel Fernando
The most annoying thing about coinbase was how you had to do several clicks just to see a price chart. This just gives you exactly what you want to see at a glance. Bonus points for picking a name that is alphabetically before bitcoin and comes up earlier in suggestions :)
BTC Sessions 😎
This is my absolute go-to Bitcoin dashboard. Every metric I need, all in one convenient place. I do a Bitcoin related YouTube channel, and I reference it in every live episode. Great work, guys!
Marty Bent
Pumped for you guys! BitBo is the one-stop shop for important real-time Bitcoin Network data.
Love it! Especially the Energy Markets stats are great. Beautifully done!
Christopher Gimmer
@dergigi Thank you Gigi, that means a lot coming from you! I really enjoyed your 21 Lessons book :)