Exciting to share with you this simple tool to simplify sharing your Google Sheets.
3 Main Benefits
Convenience: Eliminates the need to manually edit URLs for sharing Google Sheets.
Efficiency: Saves time by automating the process of generating a copyable link.
User-friendly: Provides a straightforward solution for sharing and copying Google Sheets.
Great if you're doing lots of collaborative work and need to give a sheet to others to work on their own Google Drive.
Great in an education setting. You created a workbook or worksheet and students need to copy it to their drive.
Types of People who could benefit:
Professionals: Project managers, consultants, or business owners who frequently share Google Sheets for collaborative work.
Educators: Teachers, instructors, or trainers who share educational resources and assignments.
Researchers: Professionals conducting surveys, collecting data, or collaborating on research projects.
@kampheyapproved Pretty cool. I like your products so far, although I haven't purchased from you yet. I intend to at some point. Are you guys Google Docs experts as well?
So...am I missing something? It seems less convenient to navigate to your website to use your "tool" versus just replacing "edit" and everything after it in the URL with "copy", then copy/pasting it where I need to share it.
Better Sheets
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Better Sheets