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Ben Tossell

Nike OSS — Nike's Open Source software projects

Ben Tossell
Pretty basic and only a few on the site at the moment but will be cool to see this grow and evolve Loads of big companies should do this, right?! Then we can get together a big search engine of Open Source Software, from global companies. Who's building this?
Simon B
@bentossell We can start with a collection 😀
Ben Tossell
@siburb good plan :) Our Open Source Topic is a good resource too :)
@bentossell Isn't it called github?
Ben Tossell
@seanbolak never heard of it - link? 😛
Max Pelzner
I'm not a "tech" guy, but can you explain the significance of Nike sharing this @bentossell? Seems interesting but I don't understand 😩 lol
Ben Tossell
@whoismaxpelzner honestly I'm not a 'tech' guy in that sense either! Give me code and I wouldn't know what to do with it. But I think that open sourced code that companies use (big or small), allows others to see how things are put together and can also share the wealth of knowledge .... this leads to even cooler things being made. :)
Nadia Eghbal
@whoismaxpelzner @bentossell For developers: more code to play with, inspect, modify. For companies: recruiting ;) Okay, less cynical me: It is significant in the sense that generally speaking, when companies make software, they own all the rights to it. Makes sense, right? Think about Adobe and Photoshop. You have to pay for a license to use Photoshop. You can't change or modify Photoshop if there's something you don't like about it, and you certainly can't sell Photoshop to others. Or any other apps you use: Facebook, Snapchat, Uber, etc. Even if they're free to use, the software belongs to the company, not you. But under an open source license, the software becomes available for public use. So anyone can use Nike's software, play with it, change it, make your own versions of it, etc without asking Nike for permission. Pretty revolutionary when you think about a company essentially giving away its software (this was unheard of 30 years ago). And, like Ben said, that permissiveness means more cool things get made in the world.
Steven Rueter
@whoismaxpelzner Nike manufactures products, but they know that in order to stay relevant they need a quicker, more effective, more efficient way of gauging consumers' needs and interests. The best way to do this is by investing in a platform. The quickest way to build a platform is to open source it. As for the importance of platforms, take Underarmor buying the "Map My..." apps. Their most recent ad series aired during the NBA finals even explicitly states why they invested millions buying these apps. The seasonal fashion cycle is a thing of the past, as proven by fast fashion companies like H&M. Instead of a few "creatives" designing the next season's fashion, big companies use big data, and data is expensive. For more information, there was a great article about Product-to-Platform plays in this past April's edition of the Harvard Business Review, I recommend reading it for more context. @bentossell great hunt.
Trevin Chow
Even the branding of their OSS projects is consistent with their consumer marketing. Nike, you rock.
Max Tremaine
Amazing to think about IoT at Nike's scale. They have 900+ stores, and sold $8B worth of shoes last year:
Nick Zieber
Great minds in Portland, Oregon. Great minds. :-)