@patrickc@golear I listed about 8 other makers's Twitter accounts but apparently none have accounts on Product Hunt. I just added @smc90 since she's a proper maker here!
@chrismessina don't you find it strange that someone like a16z doesn't provide an RSS feed for a site like that, i mean would expect people on their team to rely on RSS to consume media content online, i know you've been around forever in the web tech world, would love to hear your opinion, is there something i'm missing, how are tech savvy people efficiently consuming online content these days? is there something better than RSS feeds? personally I can't imagine staying up to date about anything without RSS
@cathyreisenwitz I think the TC artice was pretty clear it won't be investigative journalism — but hopefully more than PR/marketing!
"The publication will cover topics that they find compelling with a broad theme of “rational optimism” — something that the firm feels there isn’t enough of in coverage of tech at large. This isn’t a news operation, Wennmachers says, and they will focus on future-focused informational and editorial content, rather than day-to-day tech occurrences."
I read "rational optimism" as a note to say they know it won't be completely without bias.
Interesting that they bought future.com which redirects -> future.a16z.com. I imagine as they build this out, they will flip that, and future.com will be the main home for this.
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