awesome product. I think the user experience could be implemented better though imho. for me, I'd want to see the person moved to the bcc field before I press send, so I know they're def bccd.
@_jacksmith Good call. I was thinking about how much interaction you'd like to see pre-send. I could probably do some sort of simple alert letting you know it worked pretty easily though.
@srcasm@_jacksmith agreed. i'd definitely want to see the person moved to bcc so i know for sure before i send. that would be a must have for me to use the product regularly. but i love that you are building this. it will save me a ton of time and headache!
Ambition Today - Shahab Kaviani of CoFounders Lab, Breezio, and Hyperoffice
Ambition Today - Shahab Kaviani of CoFounders Lab, Breezio, and Hyperoffice
Ambition Today - Shahab Kaviani of CoFounders Lab, Breezio, and Hyperoffice
Product Hunt
Ambition Today - Shahab Kaviani of CoFounders Lab, Breezio, and Hyperoffice
Hustle X
Ambition Today - Shahab Kaviani of CoFounders Lab, Breezio, and Hyperoffice
Hustle X
Ambition Today - Shahab Kaviani of CoFounders Lab, Breezio, and Hyperoffice
Hustle X
Ambition Today - Shahab Kaviani of CoFounders Lab, Breezio, and Hyperoffice
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