Betas is a place to get feedback on your site or app. You can request to get feedback on specific features, or just get feedback on the overall experience, or whatever you request! Post yours today!
I see on Meta.
One idea: it would be fun and likely more useful feedback if users could annotate websites with their feedback.
P.S. the logo reminds me of Betterup.
Hey PH! I saw a ton of people on Quora asking me to review their site or app and what they can do to improve it, so I thought creating a dedicated space for getting feedback on sites and apps made sense. This will be my third product here on PH and feel pretty good about this one! If you want to get feedback on your site or app, whether you launched it today or 10 years ago, post in on Betas and get feedback on it! Thanks and see you there!
I really appreciate something like this.
How do you plan on differentiating from something like BetaList or Betafy?
And, do "testers" just check the site periodically to see what's there, or do you notify them when a new site is listed?
Finally, are the sites listed reverse chronological? Just wondering...
@markdoyle Hey Mark, thanks for the questions.
It's not even really about beta testing. It's about getting feedback. But I think they are one in the same...You need to use something in order to have feedback for it.
This isn't a place to gather emails or get people to sign up for anything. It's for live projects, whether they're in "beta" or not. Any site or app, at any stage, can be posted. When you think about it, everything is always in "beta". Being in "beta" is really about gathering data to improve your app or site. So really, everything is always in "beta". That's how I look at being in beta. And on top of that, new features for well established sites like product hunt could be posted. @rrhoover could post Sip on Betas to get feedback on PH's latest feature or any new launches for that matter.
I'm very familiar with Betalist and have launched other apps on there. This is really about getting feedback, not to get signups, but of course, this could be a way for people to draw an audience to eventually get those signups through your site or app. I do plan on people being able to opt-in to getting an email about the latest posts. So that's something in the works.
Regarding the order of the sites...They are listed by the latest posts, BUT I noticed the database doesn't always save them chronologically, so I'm going to rework it to make it more accurate from sorting the latest at the top.
Thanks for the kind words and feedback!
@jaaaaarek Sooo.. Feedback can be from anyone? I see that the only way to sign up is via Google, but you are able to modify your name and title. So, for those wary of associating their g+ account to a public platform (Even though g+ is a public platform itself), they can use a pseudonym? And retain a somewhat, kind of, slight masking of their identity? Are you going to mod any of the feedback, and to what degree? Apologies for the barrage of questions.
@girly_lead_foot Yes, we are all users, so feedback can be from anyone. Right now the only way to sign up is with Google, but I plan to add more options as I continue to improve and add more features. Title is not taken from google, the only things taken from Google sign-in are name, email and profile image. You can choose to change the name provided by the google account you signed up with if you choose, to fit the site or app you are trying to get feedback on to look more professional. Or, it can just be to clean it up. For instance, the gmail name for me was Jarek O, and I simply changed it to just read, Jarek, to be cleaner.
When you post something on Betas, it does not post to your G+ account, Betas is simply creating an account with some information provided by the gmail account you signed up with.
What do you mean by mod feedback?
@jaaaaarek Ah thank you for answering in depth! Now nobody will recognize me on your site! muahahahaah!
And mod, that's kind of a slang term/shortcut for the word "Modify". For instance on Reddit, you have people who kind of run and watch over their subreddits, called mods, and if someone posts something inappropriate or breaks the subs rules, they delete the post and/or clean it up. Same goes for message groups, there's always mods who ensure everything being posted by others is within community standard. So basically, I was wondering how you would handle thingsnif you had either a complete idiot posting useless feedback, or someone trolling. Post Edit: Im loving this so far.
I submitted the product and suddenly it removed all listings expect Pixm and Betas. What is happening? It seems like it also deleted my account.
EDIT: Oh it is back now. It happened when I tried to update my profile details.
@attacomsian Yes, sorry about that. Wouldn't be a launch without some bugs! I had a couple people having trouble with the submit form. Back up and running! Thanks.
I uploaded a project on but a lot of the partners complained about having to login using their Facebook account to give their feedback. They only just want to input their honest thoughts about the idea anonymously.
@abiola_usman Hi Abiola. Thanks for commenting. You can't login through Facebook on Betas, only Google. That is the only login method for now, but I plan on adding an email login in the future. Logging in to provide feedback allows users to save the feedback they gave to their account. I'll consider allowing people to give feedback anonymously.
Product Hunt
Ajo Africa
clean idea!
Pros:Nice idea. Just looked it up. I'll definitely want to be the reviewer.. like a boss :)
Cons:none so far
The user Experience it is providing is simply amazing.
Pros:Easy Submission of websites, availability of reviewers to provide honest feedbacks
Cons:Signed up today itself, and currently I do not find any cons
UX is good. I am waiting to see if there are actually any feedback or suggestions I get.
Pros:Quick to submit the site for review
Cons:Could not find cons yet