Hi all 👋
About six months ago we launched BetaList Jobs: here on Product Hunt: https://www.producthunt.com/post...
The idea was simple: what if you could browse job openings of every startup all in one place? Since we launched we made a ton of improvements based on your feedback and today we're launching a completely new feature called Job Collections.
Sa you're a developer and looking for a job on the west coasts: where do you start? It's not just about finding a job that requires your skills and is in an accessible location, but it's also crucial to work at a startup you actually believe. A product or mission you care about.
That's where Job Collections comes in.
We're collecting job posts around different topics. Examples include Music Startups ( https://betalist.com/jobs/collec... ) if you're really into music and want to work in a company like Spotify, SoundCloud, etc. Or maybe you're big on Blockchain, and want to dive deeper into it? We have a collection ( https://betalist.com/jobs/collec... ) for that as well.
We also teamed up with Breakout List ( https://www.producthunt.com/post... ) to show you jobs at the most promising startups ( https://betalist.com/jobs/collec... ). Startups with what @sama calls a breakout trajectory. If you're in for a wild ride, those might be particularly interesting for you.
I'm curious to hear your feedback and any suggestions for other collections you'd like to see. We plan on adding new ones weekly 👍
Some of the other changes we've made since our 1.0 launch include:
- Search is now blazingly fast (thanks to Algolia)
- The homepage is considerably quicker and user friendly
- Expired job listings are automatically hidden
- Job listings are marked as visited once you've seen them
- Redesigned company profiles with built-in search and filters
- Over 30,000 open job listings available
@ekaterinaklink We source the job openings from the startup career pages. This way we can make sure we get all their job listings, and our information is always up-to-date.
We're also different in terms of the volume of job listings we have (30,000+ open vacancies right now), we're exclusively focused on startups (versus e.g. Indeed.com), and I'd like to believe we provide one of the best user experiences.
@antonio_bologna Although we're continuously expanding the places we source the job listings from we can't automatically include each and every startup yet. Startups can cover our expenses to be manually added by us, which also gives them more control over how the job listing is displayed and extra visibility.
Long term I'd hope to automatically include every startup job free of charge and provide optional packages for additional publicity.
@andreyazimov Thanks Andrey. Yeah filtering on remote / not-remote is important, but it's not enough. We'll be adding even more ways to filter and search in the future.
@tomcharde Hi Tom, when was the last time you checked? We recently (about a week before this PH listing) revamped the purging procedures to automatically remove expired job openings within a day.
When and where did you find the expired job listings? I'll have a look. Thanks in advance!
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