Raz Karmi

BentenSound - Free stock music for your videos. Unsplash for music.


BentenSound is a decentralized platform for completely free stock music for your videos.
It is powered by Blockstack — a new internet for decentralized apps that you access through the Blockstack Browser.

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Gökçe Ozan Toptaş
Seems nice. Needs a search and/or better browsing (maybe by genre/type/whatever) component to be useful though.
Michael Sinov
@gokceozantoptas Thanks! Yeah, this is on the roadmap.
Michael Sinov
Hey Product Hunt, 👋 I am the maker of BentenSound! BentenSound is a decentralized platform for completely free stock music for your videos. It allows for young YouTubers to get free music for their videos and for young musicians to get first listeners. It is powered by Blockstack, so even if the project will be closed then you still can listen and download any track. Would love to hear your questions or feedback, thanks!
Gary Borg
LOVE the music quality! Will more be added? And will they be categorised? Can I use these for my commercials?
Anna Kendrick
seems nice.
Dima Khabibulin
Oooh, I love it from first track, thanks for nice service and library.
Zig Tone
I also like to apply and I also have a website to listen to music and download free ringtones. https://telefonzilsesleriindir.c...
Friedger Müffke
Why do you need the permission to publish data in my name?
Roberto A Arrucha
Player is frozen all the time. Next.
Michael Sinov
@roberto_a_arrucha Hm, could you provide info about your system and browser?
Inshaal Uddin
@roberto_a_arrucha @sihaelov Same for me. I've opened it on Safari on my 13" MBP. Even after 4-5 reloads the music isn't playing.
Michael Sinov
@roberto_a_arrucha @inshaal Oh, thanks for the feedback. Could you check it on Chrome, please?
Michael Sinov
@roberto_a_arrucha @inshaal ok, anyway thanks, will fix it soon.
dada c. ta
The application seems cool, lIkes that It on block stack. the name of the app reminds me of my younger self watching ben10 on Cartoon Networks with my brother 😂
Nico Aguilar
Great quality content and site design. I like the position of the player and list layout. Nice work.
Lola Ojabowale
I like this idea! I would love to see more genres/types of music. Why did you choose to require users to have a blockstack account for login? Also, what does logging in enable? I'm not currently interested in a blockstack account, but it seems like you can still download music and use the site without logging in.
Michael Sinov
@lojabowale thank you, Lola! Right now the project uses blockstack for hosting likes and tracks. In the future, an account will allow creating playlists.
Tejas Patel
beautiful design Michael, loved it. One suggestion though, volume control.
Ajay Singh
Wow!! music collection is awesome! Good work. :)
Gwendolyn Davis
Love it... just what I needed! Thanks 😊
Cool and interesting,i like it
music comedy
Partage Partager sur Facebook Envoyer par e-mail Partager sur Messenger Plus d’options Facebook a présenté jeudi 7 novembre à ses investisseurs son plan pour « protéger le processus démocratique » des élections américaines de 2020, comprenant une série d’initiatives déjà dévoilées en octobre après avoir déjoué une nouvelle tentative russe de manipuler l’opinion. Le géant des réseaux sociaux, pour lequel la présidentielle américaine de 2016 avait été un véritable fiasco, prévoit de lutter contre la désinformation et les menaces d’ingérences étrangères, notamment en protégeant mieux les comptes des candidats et élus politiques. Lire aussi Tout comprendre aux publicités politiques sur les réseaux sociaux « Fake news » signalées La transparence doit être renforcée, en indiquant clairement qui contrôle les pages politiques ou les pages de médias étatiques. Les articles ou vidéos classés comme « fausses informations » par des journalistes indépendants seront aussi mieux signalés.
Es toda una novedad para mí, de calidad y muy agradable.
Thibaut Tiberghien
Pretty great design and selection of tracks. Needs categories, search. Also needs a page to clarify the license and rights associated to the songs.
Martin O.
What’s the benefit of decentralized stock music? Decentralized means that nobody can delete the music cause fractions of small parts of the Songs are on millions of Computers?