Thomas Schranz โ›„๏ธ

Bedtime Stories 2.0 - The Swiss Army Knife for storytelling

Bedtime Stories is the Swiss Army Knife for storytelling. Providing all you need to practice your storytelling skills from just reading exciting and empowering stories from authors around the world or telling stories by your own.

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Moritz Kobrna
Hey hunters & parents, itโ€™s been almost exactly one year since we released Bedtime Stories on Product Hunt. Bedtime Stories is an ever-growing collection of exciting stories written by authors around the world. โ€จโ€จSo far we have had around 15k app installs, 5k active users per month and over 200 positive app reviews on the app store. Today we are super excited to present a major update of our iOS app Bedtime Stories.โ€จ Last year our goal was to become the Netflix of bedtime stories. Over the time we have learned that it is not enough to provide great stories only. Itโ€™s even more important to provide a safety net for rookie storytellers. By adding a handful of new features we are making Bedtime Stories the Swiss Army Knife for storytelling: โ€จ๐ŸŽง Storytelling School provides FREE podcast-style audio lessons to teach you everything from the basics of storytelling to helpful instructions when telling stories on your own. โ€จ๐Ÿ“š Instead of buying single stories you can now enjoy full access to our ever-growing library of stories with a single subscription. ๐Ÿš‚ Over the last year weโ€™v added over 20+ empowering and diverse storyworlds containing at least 5 episodes each. ๐ŸŽจ Last but not least a fresh new look both for our app and website. Bedtime Stories is a 100% bootstrapped app that we are solely building in our free-time. This launch is hopefully a big step towards a sustainable revenue stream so we can spend even more time on this project. We are here the whole day to answer your questions and would love to see you in our app. Cheers, Martin, Miso & Moritz
The design and the UI of this app is so smooth it makes me want to make at least 7 kids so I can read them stories 24/7 ๐Ÿ˜‚๏ธAmazing stuff.
Moritz Kobrna
@thekitze Congrats @crtvhd, you are now not only resposible for our design but also for at least 6 of 7 Kitze's children!
Thanks @thekitze, appreaciate the feedback ๐Ÿ˜
Johannes N

I'm happily using the new app version since last week; the subscription is great and helps a lot compared to the per-storyworld-payment in version 1.


Access to all stories with just one subscription; story builder which helps to create new stories everyday


Just for iOS - an Android App would be great

How can I not upvote this. Android app please.
Moritz Kobrna
@prakis Thanks ๐Ÿ™Œ Yes, the app is written in React Native so in theory porting the app to android should be possible. Its just a matter of time and priorities.
Franz Dumfart
I love this app!!! ๐Ÿฅฐ
Calvin Claus
Such a step up from last year! Congrats guys! <3
Aaron O'Leary
What's new in this update?
Moritz Kobrna
@aaronoleary Hey Aaron, see my initial comment above ๐Ÿ™Œ
Aaron O'Leary
@neuling2k Ah you commented just as I did I see!
John Foster
can be useful
This will never be used by Silicon Valleyโ€™s elite children who prefer to distance them from tech. This is made under the guise of benefit while it plugs us more into tech, not reading.
Any plans for other languages?
Xie Anjing
good product
Catarina Nordin

Various themes from light to a bit more serious. As a parent you can decide on the full story or just take bits and create it yourself.


Diversity in the stories and great stories


more illustrations and an audio version would be even better