Monika Adarsh

QRestaurant contactless menu - QR Code to pull menus based on time of day+language settings


To limit the spread of the Coronavirus, restaurants are switching to solutions, like QR Code menus, that avoid touching physical ones. Beaconstac has put a ring on QR Code menus and made it delightful and personalized for diners.

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Serge Mikeyev
That is a great solution! It is a really convenient solution.
Monika Adarsh
@smikeyev I’m glad you liked the solution! Our primary goal while building a solution for restaurants was to keep simple things simple. :)
Monika Adarsh
Hey PH community, We've built a QR Code solution that helps restaurants to march into the contactless world with ease. With the QRestaurant solution, restaurants will be able to - 1. Deliver menus from breakfast to dinner, with one QR Code menu 😎 2. Exhibit menus in the diner's preferred language πŸ’¬ 3. Show menu on the smartphone without force downloading it (Leaving Ghost πŸ‘» files on the diner's phone is a major issue with QR Codes that point at PDFs) Looking forward to your feedback on the product! πŸ™Œ
Ali Khundmiri
Sounds good. Do you have any restaurants where this is in use?
Monika Adarsh
@alicodermaker Yes, over 10,000 restaurants, including Hyatt, Marriott and Hilton are using our QR Code menu solution to keep their diners safe :)
Emmett Harper
Super useful! Keep it up
Monika Adarsh
@emmettapps πŸ™ŒπŸ» That’s motivation to keep going
Monika Adarsh
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Richard Bremner
Nice solution, well done!
Monika Adarsh
Thanks @richbrem!