I love that this solves a real problem using people as opposed to machines. If it works as advertised, it solves a real problem for the blind/visually impaired while using technology to bring people together. It actually makes me even more hopeful and excited to see how Jelly evolves. cc @joshelman
It might sound cheesy but this is the same reason why I have tremendous respect for products like Snapchat that often get discounted as pointless distractions (see http://ryanhoover.me/post/628249...).
There is a concept called a "Human APIs" and I think this comes really close to that concept.
I've heard this used for spammers that use cheap labor to solve captchas because the human element used for that one, repetitive action (filling in captchas) is used in conjunction with spam-ware. So in effect these spammers are merging the technology they have with HUMINT.
Really fascinating stuff.
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