While building @TeleportInc, we have probably seen every new site on the internet trying to help people on the move. There are great ones and mediocre ones; brand new startups and more established service providers; those focused just on visas and then on the housing or box moving or just plane tickets. The human mobility space is just heating up for sure. In any case, we figured there is no reason to keep our favorites just to ourselves -- so here you go.
Bookmark as reference for your next move, keep coming back for additions. And of course, please tell us what else are we missing, both content- & functionality-wise!
I like to think I'm pretty up to the minute on this stuff as well but there are a few products I hadn't seen before. Thanks for putting it together and of course for including @hitlist_app!
Great to see @teleportInc shipping another product assisting remote workers to find their feet - it's a great addition and a fun collection of tools, well done team!
Great lists. I recommend adding https://remoteok.io/ - it pulls through remote jobs from a bunch of those links on your jobs list, @seikatsu. I'm surprised it's not on there already - it's a perfect fit! :)
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Venice Co-Manager
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