This book is a guide to how we do product development at Basecamp. It’s also a toolbox full of techniques that you can apply in your own way to your own process.
I have been a fan of Ryan Singer and Basecamp work and have been following the development of this book on Twitter. I think it is a must read for everyone involved in product development.
Just finished reading this and loved hearing about their totally unique approach to software development at Basecamp. Wrote a review on the book for those interested:
i would love to buy the book on Amazon (I loved physical books). For now I will settle to read from these link. Glad this has come out from basecamp(read all other books from them)
I really enjoy the read, it's great to see in such details how a team like Basecamp is organized, definitely some concepts we'll want to try out at Monito.
I absolutely loved he book and highly recommend it to anyone who's shipping product! I've already managed to implement some aspects into our workflow and it's working really well. If you're curious, I shared the experience in an article -
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