Ryan Hoover

Product Hunt + Baron Fig Notebook - A limited edition notebook for makers

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Ryan Hoover
Earlier this year, @adamkornfield sent me this email: 4 months later, @adamkornfield and @joeycofone stopped by our office to show us the notebook and snap a few pics. I've been using mine for a while now. The quality's fantastic. Fun fact #1: It just happened to be sweatpants Thursday at Product Hunt HQ… hashtag super professional. Fun fact #2: with exception to our Teespring shirts, this is the first Product Hunt branded physical thing. Radical.
Abinash Mohanty
@rrhoover Wow! That looks super smart, how can I buy one? :)
Adam Kornfield
@abinashmohanty @rrhoover Thanks! Check the link at top of page, should take you there. Hit me up if have any issues!
Nick Zieber
@rrhoover This is exciting. Loving PH products IRL. Hoping for a Kitty Backpack or Beach towel in the same style as Snapchat.
Joey Cofone
Super psyched to finally put this into the world. This is an East Coast + West Coast *and* Analog + Digital collaboration. Glad we got to make it happen, hope everyone digs it. Fun fact #3: This is Baron Fig's first startup-to-startup collaboration. Fun fact #4: My co-founder Adam, formerly finance, taught himself how to do photography from scratch and took all the photos. :D Edit: PS. First 50 orders get 5 Product Hunt stickers. Giving PH first dibs at them—our BF media doesn't go out until 11a EST. ;)
Adam Kornfield
We're really excited to get this book out there! Was a blast designing the book along with @ryanhoover Photo shoot was incredible, Ryan came dressed in sweats ready to rock it. My desk is full of PH stickers, the PodCat is the best!
Fun fact #5 No shipping in Greece! Come on😯😭
Joey Cofone
@tnsrig Thanasis, sorry about that! We've been working hard over the last year to add more and more locations. When we launched last year we only shipped to 1—now we ship to 30+!
Robin Bascom
Love the Maker badge concept — perfect symbol for the collaboration and a wonderful celebration of what both PH and BF are to the product community!
Joey Cofone
@robinbascom Robin, thanks for the love!
Alex Putici
Love it! Just picked one up. Thanks!
Joey Cofone
Alex Putici
@joeycofone I've historically been a Moleskine fan. Seems like a good reason to give these a go. Do you offer low quantity customized orders?
James Mazza
@alexputici We may be able to make something happen! Email me—james@baronfig.com and I will see what we can do! ;)
James Mazza
@alexputici Got it! Will work on getting an answer to you ASAP ;)
Joey Cofone
@nivo0o0 Love it.
Kamil Goliszewski
@adamkornfield @joeycofone I love your logo :) beacouse it reminds me logo of my first startup MyBaze :D
Adam Kornfield
@kam_gol @nivo0o0 Thanks Kamil! Actually Ryan and team at PH designed it, so give them your good words!
Anwaar Ansari
Wow! They look awesome. Are they on sale now?
Joey Cofone
@anwaaramjad Yup! Our last three limited edition Confidants sold out in less than two weeks—the last one sold out in 6 days. Grab em' if you dig em'!
Philipp Meder
@adamkornfield The page says "free US shipping", how about shipping to Germany? When I check out with PayPal I only have to pay the 18$?
Joey Cofone
@phimema I'd love to ship to Germany for free! Right now international shipping (non-US) is a bit extra, but not by much. We're constantly working to improve shipping prices. Hope that helps.
Joey Cofone
@phimema Right on. Hope you enjoy!
Sumeet Shah
Huge fan of BF. Great to see y'all do a collab together!!
Joey Cofone
@pe_feeds Thanks, Sumeet!
Pierre-Marie Galite
I always take a notebook on myself when i go out, you never know when a good idea is going to hit you! Love the design!
Adam Kornfield
@tsunaze Thanks Pierre-Marie! Glad you're enjoying the book!!
Pierre-Marie Galite
@adamkornfield @tsunaze Wait haha, this was just another notebook, but i'm buying yours right now (and maybe some Silkscreen Print)
Monica S. Flores
Got it! Can't wait!
Simon Burns
Make sure to buy with bitcoin :) Team at Baron Fig has been some of the earliest supporters of merchant adoption for bitcoin, even going so far as to push Squarespace and Shopify to accept bitcoin. Amazing team and speed of product advancements at Baron. I've also used the notebooks since the designer at Robinhood introduced me to them. Haven't bought another notebook since!
Adam Kornfield
@realsimonburns Thanks Simon! We are big proponents of bitcoin here at Baron Fig. Want to do our little bit to make the ecosystem grow. Appreciate the good words and glad you're liking the notebooks!!
tom meagher
Green is my favorite color! Just ordered, convenient that my old confidant was running out of pages.
Stefan Theofilos
@ryanhoover Just bought mine!
Adam Kornfield
@steftheo11 Sweet got it Stefan!
Tom Langridge
Awesome, can't wait to get mine. Just ordered it too!
James Mazza
@tlangridge And it can't wait to get to you! ;)
𝐍𝐚𝐫 Նար
I love Baron Fig's notebooks! They are super sturdy, great paper, just tough and wonderful. So happy to see this collaboration :-D
Adam Kornfield
@narekk Thanks appreciate it! Really excited being able to bring us all together to make it.
Justin Hernandez
I love my Confidant. I hate branded things but I have a soft spot for reppin' thangs I love and appreciate.
Adam Kornfield
@300mhz Thanks Justin! We kept the branding all on the inside. So can make it yours on the outside.
Adam Kornfield
@300mhz Been practicing our clairvoyance over here at Studio Fig :)
Steve McGarry
This is awesome.
Adam Kornfield
@stvmcg Thanks Steve!
Yoav Anaki
I have to have one. LOVE Baron Fig. Added to my Physical Products collection.
Joey Cofone
@yoavanaki Yoav, glad you dig it! Don't wait *too* long—our limited edition Confidants move quickly. :D