Stuart Blitz

Archer Pencil by Baron Fig - Ultralight minimal pencil


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Ryan Hoover
Beautiful and infinite battery. 👍
Joey Cofone
@rrhoover Infinite battery, variable resolution—the Archer has it all. ;)
Adam Kornfield
@rrhoover And works great in bright sunlight :)
Stuart Blitz
Beautiful pencil - just what you'd expect from Baron Fig!
Adam Kornfield
@stuartblitz Thanks Stuart! Been a blast designing the pencils
Joey Cofone
@stuartblitz Stuart, thanks!
Joey Cofone
Hey Product Hunters, you guys have been majorly supportive with feedback and enthusiasm since we launched the Confidant notebook on PH a couple of years ago. Major thanks! Let us know if you have any Q's.
Daniel F.
These are 600% more expensive than a pack of a dozen pencils should be. And they don't have erasers. I assume the descriptor "minimal" is referring to the value?
Yuriy Shikhanovich
@zefareu presumably it's higher quality than a pack that you can buy for $3. There are pens that cost way more than 600% than a pack of Bics. These seem comparable to Blackwings (except the eraser) which costs more. I obviously wasn't part of the design process, but I'm guessing the idea was that someone would have a separate high-quality eraser since most pencil erasers suck.
Toffer D. Brutechild
@zefareu you obviously haven't ever heard of a Swiss Wood pencil by Caran d'Ache. $4.50 per pencil. I buy them by the half dozen. Why? Because they're great and to me they're worth it. Also, most pencils made don't have erasers. Really, search for CW Pencils and look around. Vintage Blackwing pencils go for more than $30 per. Just because you don't appreciate something doesn't mean it's not extremely valuable to other people who have the money to pay for it. Then again, I'm an idiot. I think businesses should make great things and charge a fair and company sustaining amount for those things.
Saul Sutcher
@zefareu They aren't as expensive as Palomino Blackwing Pencils - which are the current gold standard.
Daniel F.
It's clear that I don't live a "high-end pencil" kind of lifestyle. To be honest, I wasn't aware there was such a lifestyle.
Is this a spoof product? I dont get how its special?
Chase Perkins
Adam and Joey pour so much of themselves into every product, the refinement is always visible in the details. Looking forward to this slick, ultra-light-weight companion to my Baron Figs. Keep up the great work!
Adam Kornfield
@chasethetruth Chase thanks much man! Appreciate all the good words and can't wait to see what people do with the pencils!
Joey Cofone
@chasethetruth Chase, thanks man. Wait til you see how the pencils arrive. ;)
Toffer D. Brutechild
Joey Cofone
@toffer You rock.
Robin Bascom
A beautiful graphite companion to the Squire! Lovely design and marketing work as always, you guys!
Adam Kornfield
@robinbascom Thanks Robin!
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Who says innovation is dead?!
Stuart Blitz
@chrismessina How about an Uber/Baron Fig promotion - SWD (sketch while driving)? 🚗✏️👏
Nic Coates
My Squire & Confidant can now have a beautiful companion!
Adam Kornfield
@gadgick Nick awesome! We're glad to release them. Get a whole new writing experience along with your Confidant!
Eric Fleming
The marketing page does seem a bit like a spoof. I mean, who doesn't understand what a pencil is and the benefits of a pencil? If it is a "high end pencil", what does that mean? What makes it better? Those might be better things to put on their site. "The first thing you’ll notice when you hold the Archer is how light it is—and how easy it is to use." - Seriously? Doesn't that describe all standard pencils? I love their notebooks, but this does seem a bit spoofy, like it could be released on April 1st. I'm probably wrong and I'm sure there is a reason for the expense, but it's not clear to me from reading the content on the product page.
Mike Wilkes
@ericf_ I don't get it either, although I'm not steeped in the world of writing instruments. The branding is great and all, but Office Depot sells a dozen HB pencils for $1.59. If there's a reason these are 800% better than generic pencils, the website doesn't entirely explain why.
Hayden Williams
Incredible craftsmanship like all of Baron Fig's digital and analog tools. Nice work!
Joey Cofone
@howillia Hayden, thanks for the good words!
Cameron Roe
Nice design @adamkornfield
Adam Kornfield
@cameronjroe Thanks Cameron! Glad getting the pencils released. Been working on them for well over a year!
Saul Sutcher
Pencil looks great. But interested in seeing how it holds up to Blackwings.
Adam Kornfield
@saulsutcher Thanks! We're excited over here at Studio Fig
I love a good pencil. However, the site doesn't look great on a tablet in portrait. The "Years in the Making" and "Writable Words" boxes get cut off by about 50%.
Andreas Duess
I tried probably every single electronic note taking app out there (because, geek) and I always, always gravitated back towards paper and a pencil - much to my chagrin at times. Looks like a gorgeous pencil, well designed and fit for the job. Well done. Btw, if you guys would release a 8 1/2 x 11 Confidante, I'd buy it. My notebooks have a lot of scraps of paper in them, including printouts of stuff. I need size. :)
Adam Rasheed
I swear I thought this was satire at first. I mean it's a well-designed pencil, but its a pencil. A pencil that costs 4 times as much as ticondegras.