
Balloon - Collaborate without groupthink and amplify unheard voices


Balloon unlocks ideas, feedback, and insights from groups in record time by eliminating groupthink from collaboration and amplifying voices. Balloon reduces meeting time by 70%, and over 80% of the ideas and feedback shared on Balloon are brand new.

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I would like to introduce you to one of our investments, Balloon, a platform that eliminates groupthink so that companies can get the best ideas, feedback and insights from all team members in order to beat competitors, reduce product churn, and win. Balloon is one step that leaders can take to facilitate conversation, build out a structure within their teams to discuss what hybrid work will look like, and co-create the future with their teams to get maximum buy-in. Today Balloon launches 100+ templated sets of questions co-created with preeminent business leaders, experts, and researchers—including Adam Grant, Daniel Pink, Dick Parsons, Matt Mulllenweg, Kat Cole, Arlan Hamilton, and 20+ others. Templates ensure you are asking the right questions to unlock insights from your team. These templates span across 25+ categories and can be used for meeting replacement, strategic planning, retrospectives, and team brainstorming - just to name a few. Managing and inspiring innovation in your team is brutally hard and the Balloon team has made an elegantly simple, research-backed (and category-creating!) solution to this ubiquitous and costly problem.
Noah Bornstein
Hi! I'm Noah, co-founder and CTO of Balloon. Excited to share more about what we’re building. Balloon uses a collaborative flow called a flight. Flights are sets of questions posed by a leader, allowing them to gather ideas, insights, and feedback from their team and make the most informed decisions (with more buy-in). Today, we are releasing Flight Templates: Templated, editable flights that are pre-populated with the sharpest questions to best engage your team in any collaborative effort. We’ve partnered with some of the world’s preeminent business leaders, researchers, and experts to create 100+ templates. Some of template authors include @adammgrant, @danielpink, @photomatt, @arlan, and 20+ others from organizations like HBO, GitHub, VICE Media, Morning Brew, and more. Here are some popular use cases and templates: 💡 Ideation + Innovation - Creative Problem Solving - Refine Your MVP - Build Your Brand Story 🔊 Feedback + Team Alignment - Evaluate Feedback Mechanisms - Team Culture Audit - Personal Development for Teams 🗓 Planning + Pre-Mortems - Strategic Goal Setting - Meeting Management and Agenda Setting - Pre-Launch Check In 👀 Retrospectives + Post-Mortems - Sprint Retrospective - Decision-Making Retrospective - Culture Retrospective
Amanda Greenberg
Thanks for hunting us, Jason! Hi everyone - This is Amanda, co-founder and CEO of Balloon. Super excited to launch Balloon (including 100+ templates!) on ProductHunt today. We’re fixing the largest, most costly problem in the workplace. Meetings and tools don’t address how humans actually collaborate, share information, and make decisions. They don’t account for systemic, organizational issues that cost companies billions. Groupthink plagues decision-making. People don’t share their best ideas or most accurate, honest feedback. Loud voices dominate conversations, and leaders don’t know what they don’t know. Before founding Balloon, I was a public health researcher, translating science and research into national behavior change campaigns for the CDC and EPA. My research focused on engagement, listening, and community-based decision-making, and it was in that work that I discovered this problem. We built Balloon from the ground up to align with research for how to unlock the highest quality and quantity of information from a group...and how to do it in the most productive way possible. Some stats: ⏰ Balloon reduces meeting time by 70%. 🎙 On average, participant engagement on Balloon is around 78%. (In traditional meetings, it’s around 35%—and a few people tend to do most of the talking.) 💡 More than 80% of the information surfaced on Balloon is brand new—it’s never been seen or heard within the company before. Thanks for checking out Balloon - excited to answer questions!
Marlee Gotlieb
This looks super interesting, can’t wait to use it!!
Sarah Klein
Thanks @mgotlieb! Reach out if you have any question 🎈
Ajey Kaushal
I've been working with the Balloon team from an investing and advisory standpoint over the past few years and am amazed at how the team has found such a practical solution to organizational problems faced by every company. It's absolutely incredible what asking a few questions can do to eliminate bias, drive insights, and get the most out of your human capital. Sky's the limit for this Balloon team and product! (No pun intended ;))
Amanda Greenberg
@ajey_kaushal Thanks, Ajey!🚀
Lester Robinson
This looks super interesting and helpful. Do you see this being a tool for enterprise clients and smaller (5-50) person companies alike?
Sarah Klein
@lester_robinson thanks for the feedback and question! Balloon is built to empower all teams from startups to enterprises. Some of our customers include Amazon, U.S. Cellular, MasterClass, MLB, and the LA Angels.
Nacho Anaya
This looks awesome, really excited about this new feature. Congratulations for the launch!
Sarah Klein
@ianaya89 We are so glad you like it! Let us know if you have any feedback.
Anne Sewall
To the moon!!
Amanda Greenberg
@anne_sewall 🌝 🎈
As a fellow LAUNCH company and future of work startup, the Balloon team continues to serve as a greater inspiration - especially with the launch of Templates. What a great way to crowdsource thoughtful and change-evoking questions from industry experts. Every entrepreneur realizes from day one how little they know and the sooner you can accept this and start seeking valuable mentorship and/or asking the right questions, the better the outcomes will be for your team and others. Balloon makes this a readily available reality with a resource to quickly drive progress and change. Really recommend this to anyone that takes a thoughtful or intellectual approach to getting sh!t done.
Amanda Greenberg
@carl_eckert Thank you so much, Carl! "Every entrepreneur realizes from day one how little they know" - now that is the truth :)
Angela Arunarsirakul
I can think of many instances where having something like Balloon would've been really helpful. Congratulations on the launch, and can't wait to check it out!
Sarah Klein
@angela_arunarsirakul one of the great things about templates is that there are endless use cases. Definitely reach out If you want a Flight Template recommendation for a specific use case or for one of our expert authors.
Scott Kurnit
I can't imagine any CEO who doesn't put Balloon in their management tool box. This new way of eliminating "groupthink" while promoting "buy-in" is a game changer. Better, faster decisions without radical change in how you do things is a panacea. Equalizing voices so loud-mouths and introverts share intellectual power unleashes huge untapped potential in the organization. This product is required for organizations to create their new hybrid work environments. We know how to work f2f. We've learned how to have everyone remote. We don't have a clue how to do hybrid. Your organization needs to invent the best way to do it for you. This is the tool to make it happen.
Amanda Greenberg
@kurnit Thank you, Scott!
Shiloh Johnson
Really cool concept - love it!
Amanda Greenberg
@shilohjohnson Thank you, Shiloh! Excited to hear which templates are your favorite and send any feedback our way!
Sarah Klein
Hey everyone! Sarah here, growth lead at Balloon. One of the templates series that I’m most excited about is Matt Mullwenweg’s Optimize Distributed Work! Matt has been a champion of distributed, asynchronous teams for years (way before it was the norm!). His six-part series helps teams determine their current level of distributed work optimization and gives them realistic, actionable ways to improve their workflows based on the results—it’s a must-use for any company deciding how to return to the office in a way that will drive productivity and community without interrupting current workflows. Would love to help you find the templates that work best for your team and organization!
Laura Klein
I’m in favor of any product that cuts meeting times by 70% as this one does. The ability to anonymize discussions is a powerful tool. Eager to learn more.
Amanda Greenberg
@laura_louisville Thanks so much, Laura! Looking forward to hearing what you unlock!
Brian Sokolow
As someone who has spent a lot of time thinking about organizational effectiveness and who believes deeply that teams are strongest when all team members feel comfortable contributing their ideas and opinions, I am excited about the ways in which Balloon can help teams everywhere to be the greatest sum of all of their parts!
Amanda Greenberg
@brian_sokolow "the greatest sum of all of their parts" - a perfect capture! Thank you, Brian!
Julia Brown
Hey there, Product Hunt! I’m Julia, Balloon’s marketing and partnerships lead. Amanda and Noah have explained some of the main values of Balloon, so I wanted to talk a bit more about how Balloon creates an environment of psychological safety, eliminates groupthink, and amplifies unheard voices. Balloon’s collaboration platform allows for anonymous input, creating psychological safety and giving all team members (regardless of age, role, gender, or race) a chance to share freely. This means companies surface true data informed by all voices. Balloon’s research-backed approval voting system removes harmful group dynamics, ensuring idea evaluation is based on merit—not on seniority, loud voices, popularity, or other costly psychosocial factors. This eliminates groupthink, creates a safe space for all people to contribute, and drives more people to provide feedback and guide leaders’ decisions. Balloon allows anyone whose voice might go unheard to participate without interruption, judgment, or fear, offering new perspectives and a truly inclusive process for the whole team. So excited to be hunted by one of our strongest champions, @Jason, and to hear from all of you.
Daniel Pfaller
Sounds like an awesome product! As a first time manager, I can't wait to utilize this in my leader assimilation strategy.
Sarah Klein
@daniel_pfaller Balloon is the perfect tool for leadership assimilation or onboarding. In fact, it is a frequent use case! Right from the start you can establish a style of inclusive leadership that creates space for all voices to be heard.
J Stephens
interesting, helpful product ! Specifically, how does the flight process work?
Sarah Klein
@aspenoakcapitalmgmt Thanks for the note and question! A flight is a collaborative and staged workflow: In the first stage teams anonymously collaborate and contribute to prompts given by the flight creator. In the second stage participants individually evaluate all inputs using a research-backed approval voting system that eliminates groupthink and creates a meritocracy. The result is a prioritized list that allows leaders to quickly see where they have alignment, buy-in (or not), and make the most informed decisions.
Sally Thornton
I use this product to make sure I can prioritize what matters most to my team for meetings, to uncover what they might be hesitant to tell me (especially new employees where we haven't had time yet to build psychological safety), and frankly, to save time. When you can get quality input, prioritization, and save time all with one platform -- it's a winner!
Amanda Greenberg
@sally_thornton Thank you for being an incredible champion, Sally!
Laurent Grill
This tool has an incredible way of seamlessly surfacing brilliant ideas that may have been lost in the past. Every manager should be looking to implement this product into their flow if they are looking to surface the best results. Highly recommend.
Amanda Greenberg
@laurentgrill Thank you, Laurent!