
Bagel - World's smartest tape measure

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Joe Blau
That "size matters" blurt out at the end was a little weird.
Anthony Painter
How does Bagel perform in string mode on building sites where there is water, mud, fine dust, in direct sunlight? All the KS show the tape being used in indoor environments. I love the idea, practically, even with current tape measures they don't last long, break, get stuck due to the environment we work in. How is bagel better than steel tape measures?
Dave Byun
@a12rj Hi Anthony, thank you for some great questions regarding durability. We've used polycarbonate for the casing of Bagel smart tape measure, which makes it much more durable than it looks. We'll have videos of us doing drop tests, running over with a car, etc, so please stay tuned!
Dave Byun
Hi everyone! My name is Dave and I'm one of the founding members of @bagel_labs. Thank you for hunting our campaign!! I'll be happy to answer any questions! Thanks :)
I've been waiting for something like this for years. Very excited. Not sure about the battery life though? Only 8 hours of constant measuring?
Dave Byun
@rhdarian Hi Dariank, thank you for your comment. Battery life of 8 hours is the case when the device is in remote mode and constantly uses the sensor to calculate distance. On standby, Bagel's battery lasts up to 24 hours. So, depending on how frequently you use Bagel's sensors, the battery life will range from 8 to 24 hours. Thanks :)
Jurica Saponja @jurica87
So PH is sending me push notifications of pictures...
Love how this combines 3 methods of measuring into one gadget: String, wheel, and laser. So bad ass. NEED.
Please delete
This is awesome!
Absolutely brilliant!
Greg Ellis
I love this. I hate traditional tape measures! About time someone took this on :)
Hahn Ryu
Just backed this project. :)
Steve Mullen
Brilliant stuff!
Jeff Andersen
Does bagel account for the length of the case when taking inside measurements?
Dave Byun
@jeffandersen Hi Jeff, that is a very good point. Adding Bagel's diameter of 8cm to the measurement is a feature we can easily throw into our product firmware. We will add that feature before we ship our products to backers in October. Thanks!
Alfonso C. Betancort
I think in it's current conception it's a product aimed at the DIY and not the professional which chooses either the cheap, simple, durable or the very expensive, complex, automated, topographic 3D measurement device.
Dave Byun
@abetancort Hi Alfonso, you are right. We were focused more on the DIY market when we first decided to work on this model. We will be developing more professional models in the future, and I hope you'll like those. Thanks!
Christian Pekeler
Awesome idea but precision of 99.5% is not good enough. When measuring a meter, the result could be off by as much as half a centimeter.
Dave Byun
@xpekeler Hi Christian, yeah we know we need more work to lower that error margin. We are definitely going work more on that before we ship it to our KS backers in Oct/Nov. Thanks!
Anthony Painter
How does bagel perform when dropped? What height can it be dropped from and survive? Tapes are often airborne when working from scaffold. Will I have to replace the Bagel the first time it's dropped?
Dave Byun
@a12rj Hi Anthony, thank you for some great questions regarding durability. We've used polycarbonate for the casing of Bagel smart tape measure, which makes it much more durable than it looks. We'll have videos of us doing drop tests, running over with a car, etc, so please stay tuned!
Ishai Ankri
Dying to get me one of these... Hard to say how handy its going to be in construction sites. the different terrains and the battery life would be a huge parameter in these cased IMO. Looks like a great promise. good luck guys!
Dave Byun
@ishaiankri Thanks Ishai. If you are concerned about durability, we are going to upload a drop test video and also that of running over the device with a car. It will be up on our KS updates page within a week! Thanks!
Corey Ward
This was so clearly developed by people who don't use tape measures. The body width is a fraction that doesn't easily compute. You can't measure inner dimensions (e.g. of a cabinet). The lack of markings on the string means you have to hold the tape measure right at the edge of what you want to measure, and then be at an angle where you can read the screen. It doesn't appear to support fractions, which are the de facto way of communicating imperial measurements. What an immense amount of effort for an inferior product from the "put a laser on it" school of product design.
Dave Byun
@coreyward Hi Corey, as of yesterday, we added the inside/outside measurement into the device's firmware. The body size is in fraction for inches, but not for metric, and stands at exactly 80mm. Also, inches in fraction is supported on our mobile app. Thanks
Yigit Tezel
Great idea. I wish I thought it first :(
Sebastien Barrau
I need this in my toolbox! Wish it was already available for purchase, I would buy one now