Kat Manalac

Avodocs 2.0 - Free legal documents for startups

Avodocs is back to PH with free, attorney-reviewed Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, NDAs, and other legal docs for startups. On top of drafting, you can now negotiate, e-sign, store and search your legal docs with Avodocs. Trusted by AWS, YC and Techstars.

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Yuriy Zaremba
Hey, PH and thank you @katmanalac for helping us out! My name is Yuriy and I am the co-founder of Avodocs. Before Avodocs, I practiced law. What shocked me about our industry was the limited resources and legal documents tailored to startups. Few lawyers understood the financial constraints faced by early stage startups, even $100 for a document is a cost that makes you think twice. When we first launched Avodocs (AXDRAFT at that time) last year we had a simple belief: early stage founders don’t need 20-page ironclad contracts, they need good, balanced agreements that move a deal forward while it’s hot. It worked out. More than 1,200 founders used Avodocs on the day we launched and over 10,000 more benefited from our free legal documents since that time. Today we are launching a new version of Avodocs, because the times demand it. Startups need to cut costs and show resourcefulness more than ever and we want to give them affordable resources to launch their business and close deals. So with Avodocs v. 2.0 you will get: (1) more documents, including Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, Founders’ Agreement, MoU/LoI, etc.; (2) ability to e-sign documents, using DocuSign; (3) ability to collaborate on documents with customers and internally with your team within Avodocs; (4) ability to store your documents, search and visualize key data from those documents. We want to be your go-to place for legal documents and take that burden away from you during these difficult times. Our offer for PH community today is 50% discount on all our paid plans and as always - free legal documents for startups. No strings attached. Let us know what you think. Yuriy
Yuriy Zaremba
@sergii_kozyriev and girls :)
Excellent team and amazing product! I’ve been using Avodocs for almost two years now and it’s getting better and better. Every time I use the site, I see new templates available and high-quality improvements in UI/UX. The team is tireless! Really! The world needs more people like you guys! Congrats on launching on PH!
Yuriy Zaremba
Thank you for such kind feedback. It means a world to us.
Dmytro Dima Foremnyi
Used it few times and loved the experience. The new version is even more useful.
Yuriy Zaremba
@dima_foremnyi Thank you for the feedback, Dmytro. We are really happy you like the experience. Please feel free to reach out and let us know if you see any points of improvement. We want to become better for our customers.
Avodocs combines very professional attention to detail in the documents and friendly, easy to use interface. Where else could you find it??? Happy to see these new features and already plan how to use them. BTW, is there an option to integrate other e-sign vendors?
Yuriy Zaremba
@nick_stask Thanks for the feedback and the questions, Nick! Yes, we plan to integrate more E-Sign vendors, such as HelloSign, PandaDoc and few local European e-sign vendors. Are you looking for someone in particular?
@yuriy_zaremba Most of the time I come across Adobe Sign. Is it in your roadmap?
Yuriy Zaremba
@nick_stask Yes, we have it in our roadmap. We plan to have it live in the first week of May. Stay tuned ;)
Yuriy Zaremba
@nick_stask Thanks, Nick and feel free to let us know if you have any other feature suggestions.
Елизавета Герасимчук
Great product! I like that the information can be moved between the documents, so I prepared the main contract, and the NDA can be prepared in a single click, which saves a lot of time and effort as well as minimizes the chance of error.
Yuriy Zaremba
@herasymchuk Thank you for the feedback. Try out our new collaboration and meta-data features. It's like having a contract management system for $9.99 a month :)
Daniel Kempe
Congrats on the launch, I'm sure I'll utilise this at some point in the future :-) Although, no one needs an NDA ;-)
Yuriy Zaremba
@danielkempe :D Thank you for the feedback, Daniel! Let us know what you think after you draft a document. We want to become better for our customers.
Daniel Kempe
@yuriy_zaremba Ok, quick 2 minute feedback. I just clicked the preview terms of use agreement and found a fair few grammar mistakes in the opening few paragraphs. Leads me to think it'll have mistakes all the way through...
Yuriy Zaremba
@danielkempe Thank you for the feedback Daniel. I believe the reason you see mistakes is that the preview is not perfect. It shows all possible options of the document and also does not support all the rich text editing of MS Word. I think once you generate the document, everything will be in order, but please let me know ASAP if it is not. We got the content from a law firm.
Simo Elalj
Great idea. Any plans to support international companies?
Yuriy Zaremba
@simoelalj Simo, thank you for your feedback. We provide content for companies in the US or international companies, operating in the US, as well as for Ukrainian companies. We are planning to expand, but are still building a shortlist. Which countries do you have in mind?
Yuriy Zaremba
@simoelalj Got it. France is on our list. Will give it a higher priority. Do you have any friendly lawyers, who wouldn't mind partnering with us on this from content perspective?
Timo de Vries
@yuriy_zaremba Would love to see Germany on the list! Maybe you could shoot out to Ronald (https://easycontracts.de/) as a partner..
Yuriy Zaremba
@timo Thanks! Will do.
Maxim Moneta
Missing product is here! Go guys!
Yuriy Zaremba
@maxim_moneta Thank you for the feedback, Maxim! We were just trying to address our own need.
Maxim Moneta
@yuriy_zaremba you cannot imagine how many times I was discussing with different platforms a chance to create such service for startups with an easy monetizing Let's integrate with Startupers to standardize the document flow and improve the quality!
Yuriy Zaremba
@maxim_moneta Let's catch up later this week. You can reach out to me at yz@axdraft.com
Volodymyr Spodaryk
Awesome product! Really needed to start any project to don't spend time on preparing ToU and PP. Special thanks, that there are templates in non-English languages. BTW, @yuriy_zaremba is there ToU and PP in Ukrainian? I haven't found yet.
Yuriy Zaremba
@volodymyr_spodaryk Volodymyr, thank you for the kind feedback. ToU and PP in Ukrainian is work in progress at the moment. Unfortunately, very few companies request it.
Volodymyr Spodaryk
@yuriy_zaremba most of them even don't understand why they need it. But I believe if there would be a simple way to generate it - that would be a game changer.
Yuriy Zaremba
@volodymyr_spodaryk Got it. Will look into it and arrange for a translation.
Vasili Shynkarenka
Love how simple the tool is; def sped up our workflow 2-3x.
Yuriy Zaremba
@flreln Thank you for the feedback, Vasili! We love having you as a customer!
Artem Ostapiuk
A useful product that deserves the cat :)
Yuriy Zaremba
@artem_ Thank you for your thoughts and kind wishes, Artem!
Artem  Afian
I know this product from first year. Their progress is impressive.
Yuriy Zaremba
@artem_afian Thank you for your continuous support, Artem! I really appreciate it.
Vasya Demydiuk
Great product and team!
Yuriy Zaremba
@vasya_demydiuk Thank you for your support, Vasya!
Ihor Levenets 🇺🇦
I used Avodocs the first time when we got our first client but didn't have any revenue or investments to spend on a lawyer. Before I discovered Avodocs, it was quite frustrating to know that you only need a contract to finally start making money, but there's no way to get a trustworthy contract for free. Fortunately, Avodocs helps out with this. Congrats on the launch! Btw, how do you cope with the problem that different startups are registered in different jurisdictions? Are your documents universal for all the jurisdictions or there are some limitations?
Yuriy Zaremba
@ihor_levenets1 Thank you for the feedback and a great question, Ihor! Most of our content is tailored to the US market and works for startups, who are either located in the US or sell to the US (regardless of their country of incorporation). We also have separate content category for Ukrainian law and Ukrainian companies.
Jane Klepa
Great update! Recommending this super team and product.
Yuriy Zaremba
@janeklepa Thank you for the kind words, Jane!
Marina Sinichenko
Avodocs has a huge social impact and helps to get your legal work done in minutes.
Yuriy Zaremba
@marina_sinichenko Thank you for your thoughts, Marina. You are right. We have created Avodocs with social impact in mind to help early stage founders like ourselves solve their most common legal issues fast and get back to building their company.
Stanislav Lohvyn
Thanks for the creators. It's the best way to prepare documents that I've ever seen and used!
Yuriy Zaremba
@staslgvin23 Thank you so much for these kind words, Stanislav!
Valerie Shemshuchenko
best option for quick drafting of legal documents! and what a great team)))
Yuriy Zaremba
@valerie_shemshuchenko Thank you! High speed, usability and great quality that's what we focus on.
Dmitry Belousov
Good stuff!
Yuriy Zaremba
@dmitry_belousov1 Thanks, Dima! Appreciate it.
Jan Alexander Jedlinski
I'm using Avodocs for all of our SaaS agreements and NDAs . Super easy and fast to use. I enjoy having peace of mind with standard templates! Would recommend to any startup founder.
Yuriy Zaremba
@janalexander Thanks, Jan! Happy to have you.