I was looking for a telegram group that would allow me to discover new books every day.
All the groups I have found are meant for illegal downloading and not like a daily newsletters.
So I decided to create this group.
In the future I would like to give anyone the opportunity to propose a book.
I don't know how the group will evolve, but I hope the community will guide me.
At the moment it is only a prototype.
Be honest and ruthless in your opinions, if the idea is bad I prefer to know immediately :)
P.s. thanks to Vandelay Design for the icon link
Honestly I haven't been consistent with this project.
Said this.
The group has grown very little since the launch on PH, I'm sure there are channels much better than Telegram for groups like this.
I think the average telegram user prefers groups where he can download the book.
Maps Hound
Maps Hound