Hi everyone, Daniel here, CEO of Attentive.us. Here's why we're really excited about Attentive's slack integration:
* You can instantly follow companies you care about - just type @ attentive follow < company >
* If you need instant context about a company, try @ attentive search < company >
We're constantly adding more sources to make sure we cover more and more sectors. If we're missing something important just let me know!
We have great plans for the bot - more company context instead of just news, user settings and a few other goodies.
Check out our blog post for additional details: http://blog.attentive.us/use-sla...
Happy to reply to any comments or to get feedback for the fantastic PH community :)
Thanks @isss111! Here are a couple of use cases:
If you're a startup, you should follow your competitors, investors and maybe partners
If you're a VC, you should follow the startups you invested in and the ones you're talking to
If you're none of the above, I'd still use it to follow companies I care about - adding companies takes 1 second and you only get one notification per hour, from 9AM to 6PM, so no spam :)
While this Slack bot is still in its early days, I was quickly impressed with its utility. Attentive lets you follow people and companies and gives you Newsle-style updates, but more robust and right in Slack where you can share and discuss them with your team.
This seems especially useful for salespeople that want to monitor leads or specific decision-makers, but I could also see it being used by founders for competitive intelligence, financing news, market analysis, recruiting...
Hi @workstationw, thanks for your feedback. Glad you see our potential - let me know if I can help to set it up at daniel@attentive.us. Would love to get your feedback after a few days of use!
Cool bot, and more importantly, very relevant. The more you can pinpoint what's most important about the company in a single window (and down the line most important for the individual user), the better this will become.
This is cool. @danielattentive can you tell us a bit more about how you source and process the content? Is this more of a convenient way to subscribe to tweets and mattermark-type data, or is there more to it?
Hi @gregcohn - we currently crawl more than 2,000 news sources plus several APIs that can give us structured data like where is the company based, their sector, key employees, etc. We'll add that data to the slack bot very soon. In terms of the process, we detect the companies and people referred in each article from every source, match it to our company data-base and trigger an alert to users that want that content. Hope this helps!
@danielattentive it displays this: Couldn't find anything for `slack`. Try searching to find out if there are any results or use a domain like `track google.com
Portugal Startups
Capítulo - Daniel Araújo: Attentive